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Fang-Meng Shin
Li-Chuan Wu
Sieh-Hwa Lin
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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
本研究旨在探討高中職學生(1)親職化表現在不同背景變項者之差異;(2)親職化與身心健康的關係;(3)親職化與自我分化的關係;(4)自我分化與身心健康的關係;(5)親職化、自我分化與身心健康的關係。本研究以臺灣地區高一高二423 名學生為研究對象,所使用的研究工具包括「親職化量表」、「自我分化量表」與「一般健康量表」。本研究主要發現如下:(1)不同性別之高中職學生的親職化表現沒有不同;不同出生序者的「功能性照顧」不同;不同父母婚姻狀況者的「不公平性」不同。(2)高中職學生的親職化與身心健康之間有顯著關係。(3)親職化與自我分化之間有顯著關係。(4)自我分化與身心健康之間有顯著關係。(5)親職化、自我分化與身心健康之間有顯著關係。最後,研究者提出建議,以作為諮商輔導、親職教育方面與未來研究之參考。
The purposes of this study was to investigate: (1) group differences on parentification; (2) correlation between parentification and health; (3) correlation between parentification and self-differentiation; (4) correlation between self-differentiation and health; and (5) correlation among parentification, self-differentiation, and health. The samples comprised of 423 senior high and vocational high school students from six areas across Taiwan. Instruments used in this study included “Parentification Scale”, “Self-Differentiation Questionnaire”, and “General Health Scale”. The main findings are as follows: (1) No significant gender difference of parentification was found; “instrumental caregiving” was significantly different among groups of different birth order; “unfairness” was significantly different among groups of different parental marital status. (2) Parentification is significantly correlated with health. (3) Parentification is significantly associated with self-differentiation; (4) Self-differentiation are significantly correlated with health; and (5) Parentification, self-differentiation are significantly correlated with health. Implications of the results for counseling and parent education as well as suggestions for future research are proposed.
The purposes of this study was to investigate: (1) group differences on parentification; (2) correlation between parentification and health; (3) correlation between parentification and self-differentiation; (4) correlation between self-differentiation and health; and (5) correlation among parentification, self-differentiation, and health. The samples comprised of 423 senior high and vocational high school students from six areas across Taiwan. Instruments used in this study included “Parentification Scale”, “Self-Differentiation Questionnaire”, and “General Health Scale”. The main findings are as follows: (1) No significant gender difference of parentification was found; “instrumental caregiving” was significantly different among groups of different birth order; “unfairness” was significantly different among groups of different parental marital status. (2) Parentification is significantly correlated with health. (3) Parentification is significantly associated with self-differentiation; (4) Self-differentiation are significantly correlated with health; and (5) Parentification, self-differentiation are significantly correlated with health. Implications of the results for counseling and parent education as well as suggestions for future research are proposed.