

本研究主要目的旨在探討企業贊助中華職棒大聯盟2006年賽季之動機、考量因素與實質效益之情形。研究對象為贊助中華職棒大聯盟2006年賽季之贊助商,包括:日盛金融控股股份有限公司、光泉牧場股份有限公司、台灣美津濃股份有限公司,採深度訪談法及內容分析法,且以自編之「企業贊助中華職棒大聯盟2006年賽季訪談大綱」為研究工具進行調查。經由訪談後,研究結果發現: 一、企業贊助中華職棒大聯盟之動機為:(一)建立企業形象;(二)創造話題增加媒體曝光率;(三)拉近與消費者的距離;(四)建立品牌及產品知名度;(五)回饋社會及善盡社會責任。 二、企業贊助中華職棒大聯盟之考量因素為:(一)運動賽事規模及價值;(二)經費預算的考量;(三)贊助效益(曝光率、提升企業形象)。 三、企業贊助中華職棒大聯盟之實質效益為:(一)提升企業形象;(二)建立產品形象;(三)增加媒體曝光率;(四)促進產品銷售機會。
The purpose of this study was to understand the underlying motivations, considerations and benefits behind corporation sponsorships in 2006 CPBL season. This content analysis and in-depth interview were applied as the main method of data collection in the study. The major sponsors of CPBL in 2006 season were selected as the subjects. They are Jih Sun Financial Holding Corporation, Kuang Chuan Dairy Corporation, and Mizuno Taiwan Corporation. The questionnaire is titled “Corporate Sponsorship in 2006 CPBL Season.” The results were as follows: 1. The factors that motivated the corporations to sponsor the 2006 CPBL season were: (1) to build a positive corporate image; (2) to generate media interest and publicity; (3) to demonstrate their interest in the community; (4) to increase their brand and product recognition; (5) to fulfill the corporate social responsibility. 2. Consideration factors related to the corporation sponsorship of the CPBL in 2006 season include: (1) size and value of the games; (2) budget; (3) benefits of sponsoring the games (exposure and image enhancement). 3. Benefits of sponsoring the 2006 CPBL season include: (1) corporate image enhancement; (2) improvement product; (3) exposure in creasing; (4) Iincrease in sales and promotional opportunities in creasing.



企業贊助, 中華職棒大聯盟, 運動贊助, corporate sponsorship, the Chinese Professional Baseball League(CPBL), sport sponsorship





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