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全球各地均積極推展健康促進學校計畫,希望透過學校場域,提供健康機會,增進學生健康的水準和生活品質。我國自2005年在教育和衛生單位合作下,開始努力推動,但少有從學校社會環境營造著手者。值得擔憂的是,學生自殺、憂鬱症增多,心理健康問題將成為本世紀三大重要疾病之一。 學校社會環境的營造和落實,需以班級為基礎。健康的班級社會環境對同儕團體的穩定性、學習動機、學業成就、學校生活滿意度及自信心均有幫助。如何協助國中教師重視和營造健康班級的社會環境,是本研究的焦點。 本計畫為期三年,採質、量並重的方式進行。第一年採深入訪談和焦點團體訪談,以探知教師和學生對班級社會環境的觀點,作為發展班級社會環境量表和營造方案的基礎。另抽樣調查全台1,500名國中生,以驗證班級社會環境與學習表現、學校生活適應和自尊的關係。第二年採準實驗研究設計,以兩所國中24班學生為對象,分為3組,實驗組進行一學年的班級社會環境營造方案介入,再評價實驗介入的立即成效。第三年,進行實驗介入延宕效果的評價,並調查398名教師和539名學生對班級社會環境營造方案的意見。 主要研究目的如下: 1.訪談和分析教師與學生對班級社會環境的看法。 2.建構有效評估班級社會環境之本土化工具。 3.探討班級社會環境與國中學生學習表現、學校生活適應及自尊的關係。 4.研擬班級社會環境的營造方案。 5.執行班級社會環境營造方案實驗介入。 6.評價班級社會環境營造方案實驗介入的立即和延宕效果。 7.探討國中教師和學生對班級社會環境營造方案的意見。
World Health Organization had initiated the Global Health Promoting School Program to promoting health status of students. Social environment is one of the six main domains of this program. Moreover, mental disorders will be one of the three burden diseases in the twenty-one century, and psychological problems of adolescent are increasing now a day. Implementing a health promoting school program which focuses on students’ mental and social well-being is an important issue for middle schools. This study will be a three-year study using qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the first year, deep interview and focus group interview will be held to get teachers’ and students’ opinions about classroom social environment. Then, we will examine the associations between classroom social environment, learning performance, school life adjustment, and self-esteem by surveying middle school students in Taiwan. In the second year, an experimental pre-test/ post-test design will be used. Twenty four classes of seventh and eighth graders in two middle high schools in I-Lan County will be selected and assigned as one experimental group and two control groups. The experimental group will receive a whole-school year classroom social environment intervention. Before and after the intervention, the three groups will be assessed and compared with their perceived classroom social environment, learning performance, school life adjustment, and self-esteem. In the third year, the delay effects of the intervention on learning performance, school life adjustment, and self-esteem will be evaluated. Then, we will survey randomly selected 398 teachers and 539 students in I-LAN junior high schools, and examine their viewpoints and needs about classroom social environment improvement. The main purposes of the present study are as follows: 1. To assess and analyze teacher’s and student’s opinions of classroom social environment. 2. To establish an effective classroom social environment assessment instrument. 3. To explore the relationships among learning performance, school life adjustment, self-esteem and classroom social environment. 4. To design a classroom social environment improvement intervention program. 5. To implement the classroom social environment improvement intervention program. 6. To evaluate the immediate and delay effectiveness of the classroom social environment improvement intervention program. 7. To assess viewpoints and needs of classroom social environment improvement among teachers and students.
World Health Organization had initiated the Global Health Promoting School Program to promoting health status of students. Social environment is one of the six main domains of this program. Moreover, mental disorders will be one of the three burden diseases in the twenty-one century, and psychological problems of adolescent are increasing now a day. Implementing a health promoting school program which focuses on students’ mental and social well-being is an important issue for middle schools. This study will be a three-year study using qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the first year, deep interview and focus group interview will be held to get teachers’ and students’ opinions about classroom social environment. Then, we will examine the associations between classroom social environment, learning performance, school life adjustment, and self-esteem by surveying middle school students in Taiwan. In the second year, an experimental pre-test/ post-test design will be used. Twenty four classes of seventh and eighth graders in two middle high schools in I-Lan County will be selected and assigned as one experimental group and two control groups. The experimental group will receive a whole-school year classroom social environment intervention. Before and after the intervention, the three groups will be assessed and compared with their perceived classroom social environment, learning performance, school life adjustment, and self-esteem. In the third year, the delay effects of the intervention on learning performance, school life adjustment, and self-esteem will be evaluated. Then, we will survey randomly selected 398 teachers and 539 students in I-LAN junior high schools, and examine their viewpoints and needs about classroom social environment improvement. The main purposes of the present study are as follows: 1. To assess and analyze teacher’s and student’s opinions of classroom social environment. 2. To establish an effective classroom social environment assessment instrument. 3. To explore the relationships among learning performance, school life adjustment, self-esteem and classroom social environment. 4. To design a classroom social environment improvement intervention program. 5. To implement the classroom social environment improvement intervention program. 6. To evaluate the immediate and delay effectiveness of the classroom social environment improvement intervention program. 7. To assess viewpoints and needs of classroom social environment improvement among teachers and students.