

本研究旨在探討轉學生轉學之原因,轉學前蒐集資訊及求助行為,轉學學校之轉換狀況,轉學後面臨之問題,轉學適應狀況,以及以結構方程式探討自我投入、家庭支持及學校支持等外生潛在變項對轉學適應內生潛在變項之影響;最後,根據研究結果提出建議供教育及輔導相關研究、實務工作有關人員參考。 本研究參考Astin(1977, 1984, 1993)、Harrison(1999)、Karemer(1995)、Lannan(2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007)、Pace(1980, 1984, 1988, 1990)、Pervin(1967)、Schlossberg(1984, 1995, 2006)、Tinto(1987)等理論及研究,建立研究架構,探討背景變項、轉學因素、轉學準備、轉學類型、轉後感受、自我投入、家庭支持、學校支持與轉學適應之間的關係;另,建立轉學生適應模式,探究自我投入、家庭支持及學校支持等外生潛在變項對轉學適應程度此一內生潛在變項之解釋力。 本研究採立意抽樣,北區以國立台灣大學、東吳大學、中區為國立中興大學、逢甲大學、南區以國立成功大學、義守大學等六所大學轉學生為對象進行施測,有效回收問卷共計1,098份。正式問卷編製之前,先進行前導性訪談,蒐集相關資訊,並經四位專家指導,且實施預試,經試題分析發現本研究所使用之量表之Cronbach’s α值介於.72~.94之間,顯示問卷之內部一致性合乎可接受水準,實施再測信度Pearson係數值介於.71~.93之間,並達顯著水準(p<.001)。 本研究採量化研究方法,結果發現轉學生之25項轉學原因可歸納成「學校環境負面因素」、「個人適應不良」、「缺乏動機與興趣」、「就業考量因素」以及「親友影響」等五項因素;其中最主要的原因是「住宿環境困擾」,其次為「操行退學」及「身體健康不佳」等。至於轉學前同時蒐集資訊及求助者僅佔32.90 %;轉學後面臨之主要問題為轉學震撼、學分抵修困難、感受不快樂、學術投入時間不足、打工等,其中有48.82 %尚須依賴工讀進修,以解決學費及生活費之問題。轉學後身心適應、學業適應及人際適應程度平均值均在中上程度;轉學後快樂程度及對學校環境滿意度及學業滿意度之平均值為中上程度,由此顯示轉學對於大學生學習確實有其正面意義及存在價值。 本研究所建構之轉學適應模式經修正及驗證結果發現,自我投入、家庭支持及學校支持等外生潛在變項對內生潛在變項轉學適應程度之總變異量的解釋力高達66.0%,顯示該模式得到支持。 最後,本研究針對準備轉學及已轉學之大學生,從事高等教育之學校、系所及教師,以及教育當局提出建議。
The purposes of this study were to investigate the transfer causes of transfer students, and the factors influencing their adjustments in a new environment. All instruments in this study were mainly quantitative, based on the theories and researches of Astin (1977, 1984, 1993), Harrison (1999), Kraemer(1995), Lannan (2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007), Pace (1980, 1984, 1988, 1990), Pervin (1967), Schlossberg (1984, 1995, 2006) and Tinto (1987). A causal model of transfer adjustment was constructed and tested using structural equation modeling technique. Surveyed samples included 1,908 undergraduate transfer students from six universities. Using factor analysis, 25 transfer causes were integrated into five categories including poor school environment, poor personal adjustment, lack of motivation and interest, employment-oriented factors, and influences of relatives and friends. It revealed that poor personal adjustment and poor school environment were the two major factors why they decided to transfer. The transfer adjustment model suggested by this study was tested by SEM. The model indicated that the three latent exogenous variables, self-involvement, family support and school support, can explain the 66.0% of the total variance of the latent endogenous variable, transfer adjustment. Finally, some implications were suggested to the students who plan to transfer, to all of the transfer students, and to those who are in charge of higher education.



轉學生, 自我投入, 學校支持, 家庭支持, 轉學衝擊, transfer students, self-involvement, university support, family support, transfer shock





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