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本研究旨在探討相當受到國中生喜愛的社會新聞與影劇新聞報導中的性別訊息,檢視其內容是否具有性別刻板印象、性別偏見與性別歧視等觀念,媒體文本是否呈現性別平等的概念念,期盼日後能在教學中培養學生對媒體的認知。 本研究採取符號學分析法,針對《蘋果日報》的社會新聞與影劇新聞之文本,從三十六則新聞報導樣本的內容加以檢視,欲藉此分析文本間潛藏於深層的性別訊息。探究媒體是否在社會變遷之下,可以跳脫傳統性別刻板印象之窠臼?或者媒體仍然持續將傳統的父權性別意涵予以再製? 筆者根據新聞文本分析,獲得以下的結論: 一、新聞文本內容仍然呈現性別刻板印象 (一)文本的用字遣詞,不論對男性或女性的形容,大多數符合刻板的性別角色描述語。 (二)文本所呈現的男性與女性形象- 1.女性不論是家庭主婦或職業婦女,大多數強調其女性的特質、照顧家庭的形象,僅有少部分女性的形象較為獨立自主。 2.關於女性的外貌與身材,則充分突顯父權體制之下的審美觀,強調美麗的外貌、高挑窈窕的身材和女性氣質。 3.男性的形象則多以獨立自主、富有男子氣概、工作上的專業能力等相關的概念呈現。 二、新聞文本對於女性較常呈現偏見與歧視的現象 (一)有關兩性年齡的差異- 1.男女兩性在年齡上的問題,總是被差別化處理。女性隨著年齡的增長,會被貼上條件或優勢不再的標籤;男性則隨著年齡漸增,身價水漲船高。 2.兩性擇偶時社會普遍認為男性較女性年長,男性較具有工作成就,能扮演家庭保護者的責任;而女性生兒育女、照顧家庭的工作被視為是其天職,因此生育能力的限制,也反應在現實社會中對女性的偏見。 (二)對於女性身體的物化- 新聞文本對於女性身體的呈現,經常以文字突顯女性的胸部大小、裸體,並以相當裸露的照片或示意圖展現女體的樣貌。將女性的胴體當作商品公開陳列,以滿足男性的窺視與性需求,貶抑女性的價值。 三、新聞文本並不符合性別平等之精神 (一)對男女兩性不同標準的道德要求- 媒體對於婚外情、情慾犯罪的新聞,通常強調女性不符合社會倫理道德的行徑,對於男性的指責則較女性為少。 (二)對於兩性相同行為的不同評價- 1.媒體報導有關職業生涯的新聞時,經常顯現出性別職業區隔的傳統觀念,當社會上某些被視為男性的工作是由女性擔任時,往往刻意突顯其女性特質;但是論及男性時,則著重於專業、事業成就的形象。 2.對於戀情不斷的未婚公眾人物,當女性勇於追求戀情且不時傳出緋聞,則被媒體以負面詞彙批評;但事業有成的男性頻頻與女性發生緋聞或戀情時,文本卻極力稱讚。 3.身體形象的呈現,女體被物化的情形相當嚴重。但論及男性身體時,除突顯好身材之外,強調健康、男子氣概的形象,並未把男性的身體物化。 綜合筆者對於本研究所做之結論,發現《蘋果日報》的社會新聞與影劇新聞之文本,大多數依舊呈現出性別刻板印象、性別偏見與性別歧視等觀念,亦即潛藏著傳統父權體系社會的性別意識型態。對於男女兩性的新聞訊息處理上,也展現出不公平的待遇。
The purpose of this study was to explore gender message in social news and entertainment news, and to examine whether the contents of gender stereotype, bias and discrimination are included. Is the concept of gender equity also represented in media text? This study analyzed 36 pieces of news text retrieved from social news and entertainment news in Apple Daily , and examined them with gender message by semiotic analysis. Based on the concepts of gender message, this study investigated whether the media can break from gender stereotype or still follow the patriarchal concepts of gender? Several findings can be concluded in this study. First, the news text still presents gender stereotype. The male character is often described as masculinity, and the female character is portrayed as femininity in news text. Besides, it emphasized on women’s appearance and body shape, and fully revealed aesthetic standard under patriarchal system. Second, the news text presents gender bias and discrimination in women’s image with two dimensions, “age” and “objective”. Men are regarded have more achievement with age, but women are regarded less benefit with age. Moreover, female character is also described with sexual meaning words and photos in news text. Women’s body are viewed as a commodity and reduced their own values. Third, the news text is not corresponded to the spirit of gender equality with three aspects, “moral demand”, “evaluation of behavior” and “body image”. There are different moral demands for men and women, for example, dealing with affair news in media, people are not allowed in the social ethics but women get more accusation than men. When career life news is reported by media, male often get more achievement and professional image than female. Talking about the body image in news text, it often presents the image of men with healthy and masculinity. But the image of women as above mentioned is quite different from men. According to the above-mentioned findings, most of the social news and entertainment news in Apple Daily still present the concept of gender stereotype, bias and discrimination . In other words, it also reveals gender ideology under patriarchy and represents unequal treatment toward male and female.



性別刻板印象, 性別偏見, 性別歧視, 蘋果日報, 社會新聞, 影劇新聞, gender stereotype, gender bias, gender discrimination, Apple Daily, social news, entertainment news





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