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近年來,國內在文化遺產數位化以及應用推廣上不遺餘力,歷經前後十餘年的努力耕耘,其累計的豐富典藏與學習資源難以計數。然而帶動這項作業的「數位典藏與數位學習國家型計畫」即將在2012年落幕,永續經營的議題亦隨之而起,如何在計畫結束之後永續營運成為一個重要的課題。 然而,在進行永續經營規劃前,必先充分了解永續經營的定義概念,但綜觀國內相關文獻,對於此議題著墨並不多,故本研究以此為題,並以數位內容公開徵選計畫為研究場域,深度訪談計畫執行人員,期望歸納出永續經營在數位典藏領域的概念為何,同時也進一步了解目前國內數位典藏計畫永續經營的規劃現況以及影響永續經營的關鍵因素。 根據本研究訪談的分析結果,在定義方面,受訪者表示持續維護與更新資料是基本作業,而典藏知識以及文化的保存、傳播與傳承才是永續經營的重點;在策略方面,目前受訪者執行的策略可分為資料更新維護、數位技術使用、穩定人力等八個面向;關鍵因素部分則是有數位技術的支持、實體機構的後援、資金等八項。在理解國內目前永續的相關想法與做法之後,最後本研究再輔以國外相關文獻的經驗,為數位典藏計畫的永續經營提供參考與建議,並提出未來研究可行之方向。
Digitalization, applications, and the promotion works of cultural heritage in Taiwan have been increasing their potential in recent years. The TELDAP (Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program) initiative has already accumulated countless digital collections and learning resources during the past ten years. While the TELDAP initiative will be ended in 2012, the projects supported by TELDAP must be finalized. In this situation, sustainability of these projects gradually becomes a critical issue to be understood. Understanding the meaning of sustainability before planning related strategies is important. However, our study found that literature related to digital archive sustainability has not fully developed in Taiwan context and the concept of sustainability is still inconsistent between institutions that conduct digital archive projects. This study intends to realize the definition of sustainability by interviewing chiefs of Digital Archives Request for Proposals Projects, and also to investigate the strategies and key factors which affect sustainability at same time. In defining sustainability, continuing maintenance and updating of data is only the most basic part, how to disseminate and pass the knowledge of digital collection is the main purpose of sustainability. For strategy, there are eight aspects of work which the interviewees are working on, include updating data, using digital technology, steady manpower…etc. For key factors, there are also eight aspects, include support of technology, support of physical institutions and finance…etc. After realizing the situation in Taiwan, this study looks to the experiences from other countries to provide some direction and references for planning sustainability of digital archives.



數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫, 數位典藏, 公開徵選計畫, 永續經營, Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, Digital Archives, Digital Archives Request for Proposals Projects, Digital Sustainability





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