IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3賽會參與者之人格特質、獨特性需求、產品涉入程度與再購意願關係之研究

dc.contributorWu, Hui-Chinen_US
dc.contributor.authorLi, Wei-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract隨著運動人口逐年增多,運動賽會產業蓬勃發展,但在這些大同小異的賽會中,如何讓賽會可以更加吸引消費者,使消費者願意再次報名參加成為了一個重要的議題。本研究旨在了解鐵人三項賽會參與者人格特質、獨特性需求、產品涉入程度與再購意願之關係。研究對象為2010至2020年 IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3賽會參與者,並以線上問卷進行資料調查蒐集,共回收217份有效問卷。根據調查問卷所蒐集之資料,以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關與階層迴歸等統計方式進行資料分析。結果發現:一、IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3賽會參與者產品涉入程度與再購意願均落於中等以上之評價,顯示其在行銷策略上仍有可加強之空間。二、通過皮爾森積差相關分析得出,賽會參與者人格特質中「外向性」、「友善性」、「嚴謹性」、「情緒穩定性」、「智性/想象」五個構面與獨特性需求呈正相關;人格特質中「外向性」、「友善性」、「嚴謹性」、「情緒穩定性」、「智性/想象」五個構面亦與產品涉入程度呈正相關;獨特性需求中「創新性選擇」、「非流行化選擇」、「避免相似性選擇」三個構面與產品涉入程度呈正相關;產品涉入程度與再購意願呈現正相關。三、通過階層迴歸分析得出,獨特性需求對於人格特質與產品涉入程度產生部分中介效果;產品涉入程度對於獨特性需求與再購意願產生部分中介效果。意即賽會參與者人格特質能透過部分的參與者獨特性需求,進而影響參與者產品涉入程度;獨特性需求能透過部分的參與者產品涉入程度,進而影響參與者之購買意願。 基於上述結果,IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3賽會主辦方應該針對參與者的獨特性需求,施予適當的行銷策略,以提高參與者的產品涉入程度與再購意願。針對未來研究,建議採用結構方程模型來進一步檢驗賽會參與者之人格特質、獨特性需求、產品涉入程度與再購意願之關係,以提昇相關研究之說服力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the sports population increases year by year, the sports event industry is booming, how to make the event more attractive to consumers and make consumers willing to repurchase has become an important issue. This study aims to find the relationship between the personality, uniqueness needs, involvement and repurchase intention of participants in triathlon competitions. The research objects are participants in the IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3 triathlon from 2010 to 2020, and the data is collected using research tools, and a total of 217 valid questionnaires have been collected. According to the data collected in the questionnaire, data analysis is carried out by descriptive statistics, Pearson product difference correlation, and class regression. turn out:1.IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3 Triathlon participants' involvement and repurchase intention are both above average, indicating that there is still room for improvement in their marketing strategy.2.IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3 Triathlon participants' personality traits in the five dimensions of "extroversion", "agreeableness", "conscientiousness", "emotional stability" and " openness experience" are positive for their uniqueness needs relevant; the five dimensions of personality: "extroversion", "agreeableness", "conscientiousness", "emotional stability" and " openness experience" are also positively related to the degree of involvement; uniqueness needs "innovation" The three dimensions of “creative choice counter-conformity”, “unpopular choice counter-conformity” and “avoidance of similarity”. are positively correlated with the degree of involvement; the degree of involvement is positively correlated with the willingness to repurchase.3.The demand for uniqueness has a partial intermediary effect on personality and the degree of involvement; thedegree of involvement has a partial intermediary effect on the demand for uniqueness and repurchase willingness. It means that the personality of the participants can influence the participation degree of the participants through some of the unique needs of the participants; the unique demand can influence the purchase of the participants through the participation of some participants.Based on the above results, the organizer of the IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3 triathlon should implement appropriate marketing strategies based on the unique needs of participants to increase participants' involvement and repurchase intention. For future research, it is recommended to use the structural equation model to further examine the relationship between the personality, uniqueness needs, involvement and repurchase intentions of the participants in the competition, so as to enhance the persuasiveness of related research.en_US
dc.subjectconsumer behavioren_US
dc.subjectlimited productsen_US
dc.subjectsports eventsen_US
dc.subjectproduct involvementen_US
dc.subjectwillingness to participate againen_US
dc.titleIRONMAN Taiwan 70.3賽會參與者之人格特質、獨特性需求、產品涉入程度與再購意願關係之研究zh_TW
dc.titleThe Study on the Relationship between Personality, Uniqueness Needs, Products Involvement and Repurchase Intention of IRONMAN Taiwan 70.3 Participantsen_US

