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本研究旨在探討復興鄉教育優先區政策執行中教育機會均等的現況,期能發 現教育優先區政策執行過程中實踐教育機會均等可能遭遇之困境及其改善途徑。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,受試者為桃園縣復興鄉中小學之校長、主任及教 師。經由文獻探討及相關理論分析,據以編製問卷調查表,蒐集桃園縣復興鄉教育優先區政策執行中實踐教育機會均等之相關資料。採用單因子變異數分析、百分比等統計方法進行分析。 壹、結論 一、學習弱勢及中輟率偏高兩項指標較符合復興鄉國中教育實際需求 二、辦理學習輔導及推展親職教育的補助項目較符合復興鄉教育需求 三、政策之執行能對復興鄉學習條件不利學生提供更多發展機會 四、復興鄉國中小及年資不同教師對於教育機會均等之看法具有差異 五、復興鄉教育機會均等面臨資源落差、執行偏失及師資欠佳之困境。 六、復興鄉教育機會均等困境改善途徑必須從改善資源落差、執行偏失及師資欠佳著手 (一)資源落差困境之改善途徑 1.考量差異實施多元評量及族群文化融入 2.善用策略聯盟提昇學習效能縮減資源落差 3.家長正確經濟與教養觀念之學習 (二)執行偏失困境之改善途徑 1.執行彈性的保留與關連性的強化 2.降低實際核撥差距及建立政策共識 3.落實計畫審核以符應實質需求 (三)師資欠佳困境之改善途徑 1.多元進修管道的提供 2.提高教師福利措施 3.改善工作條件以降低教師流動率 貳、建議 一、對教育主管機關的建議 (一)政策執行應理解學校實際需求 (二)政策內容應考量國中小教育需求之不同 (三)政策推動應力求方案執行之延續性 (四)政策執行應建立有效之檢核機制 二、對學校單位的建議 (一)強化行政人員計畫撰寫能力 (二)建立正確執行觀念 (三)加強政策內容的宣導 (四)善用校際策略聯盟 (五)激發教師教育熱忱 三、對教師的建議 (一)教師自我增能 (二)強化教育使命感 四、對家長的建議 (一)學習正確之金錢運用觀念 (二)參與親職成長活動 五、對未來研究者的建議 (一)研究對象方面 教育行政機關行政人員、學生及家長等 (二)研究內容方面 針對弱勢學生教育機會不利情況之實質改變,進行深入之了解與探究。 (三)研究方法方面 除了問卷調查外,亦可採觀察法、訪談法或個案分析法
This research is for the purpose of discussing the current situation of the equality of educational opportunities through the implementation of the Educational Priority Areas policy in Fuxing Town. Probable barriers during the process of implementation and its improving strategies are expected to be identified through this research. This research takes questionnaire survey procedure primarily, trying principals, administrators and teachers of elementary and middle schools in Fuxing Town Taoyuan County. In order to collect the practical data about the equality of educational opportunities through the implementation of the EPA policy in Fuxing Town Taoyuan County, the literature reviews and studies of related theories were used to build the questionnaire. The returned data were analyzed by statistical methods such as One-Way ANOVA and percentage. Conclusion 1. The learning disadvataged minority and the high rate of discontinued schooling can be taken as the two indicators of real educational need in Fuxing junior high school. 2. The subsidies to transacting the learning guidance and the parental education meet the educational need in Fuxing town. 3. The execution of the policy offers more development opportunities to the learning disadvataged students in Fuxing town. 4. There are some different perspectives on the equality of the educated opportunity among elementary school teachers, junior high school teachers and the teachers with different experience in Fuxing town. 5. We Suffer some predicaments such as resource difference, executing deviation,and unqualified teachers in transacting the equality of the educated opportunity in Fuxing town. 6. In order to solve the predicaments in transacting the equality of the educated opportunity in Fuxing town, we need to improve the situations of the resource difference, executing deviation,and unqualified teachers Step 1: Improving the predicament of the resource difference. 1. Consider the difference, enforce diverse assessment and blend with their race culture. 2. Utilize the strategical alliance, promote learning efficiency and reduce resource difference. 3.Parents need to learn the correct economical and educational concepts. Step 2: Improving the predicament of the execution deviation. 1. Remain the execution elasticity and strengthen the corelation. 2. Reduce the difference of real ratified subsidies and establish the common policy. 3. Implement the examination of the plan to meet the real need. Step 3: Improving the predicament of the unqualified teachers. 1. Offer diverse advanced education. 2. Enhance welfare for teachers. 3. Improve working conditions to reduce transference among teachers. Suggestions Suggestion 1: For education supervisors. 1. The execution of policy should meet the actual needs of the school. 2. The content of policy should take the differece into account for the needs between elementary school and junior high school education. 3. The impetus to policy should consider the continuity of executing plans. 4. The execution of policy should come with a valid examination mechanism. Suggestion 2: For educational institutions. 1. Improve the administrators’ capability to write the plans. 2. Establish correct executing concepts. 3. Reinforce the distributing to the content of policy. 4. Utilize strategic alliance among schools. 5. Encourage enthusiasm of the teachers’ teaching. Suggestion 3: For teachers. 1. Teachers advance the developmen of the individual self. 2. Strengthen responsibility for education. Suggestion 4: For parents. 1. Learn the correct concept of utilizing money. 2. Participate advanced activities for parents Suggestion 5: For the future researchers. 1. In the object of study: The administrators in the educational administrative organizations, students, parents and so on. 2. In the content of study: To change the educated opportunities for the disadvantaged students, go deep to understand and investigate. 3. In the study: Besides the survey, use the observation, interview or case study. Key words: The policy of the education priority area The equality of the education opportunity



教育優先區政策, 教育機會均等, The policy of the education priority area, The equality of the education opportunity





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