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隨著E世代的來臨,英文已經成為台灣最重要的外國語言。為了發音要能讓人聽得懂,自然發音法不僅僅被編列進國小及國中的英文教科書,而且在美語學習中心也極為流行。越來越多的研究者注意到自然發音法,但是卻少有研究專注在高職生身上。基於這個理由,本篇論文旨在探索在英文字彙發音及記憶方面,高職生是否能從自然發音法得到助益以及助益到什麼程度。 受測者為七十個北台灣高職一年級園藝科的學生。根據基本學力測驗的英文分數,他們被分為高成就、中成就、及低成就三個組別以便於研究哪一個組別從自然發音法教學中受益最多。 研究工具有四種: 1) 兩份問卷 2) 測驗材料3) 教材4) 面談。前測和後測各有25個字,前測的字選自國中英文教科書,後測的字則取自高職尚未學到的英文課本。 研究結果顯示: 第一,比較前後測得分發現,整體而言,自然發音法對受測者並沒有正面的效應。第二,低成就組在發音後測有顯著的進步,然而高成就組卻是明顯退步。第三,對於子音,受測者有刪除、插入、取代、類似、及混淆的問題; 至於母音,則有發音、取代、混淆、及規則化上的錯誤。第四,母語的干擾、對音素不夠敏銳或發音化石化、音素意識不足、受測者被動的學習態度和對於學習的心理抗拒、發音規則的複雜性、以及缺乏音標的輔助,似乎都是受測者要學好自然發音法的困難所在。最後,從前後問卷的回應中得知,自然發音法教學增進了受測者對英文字彙的記憶能力,矯正他們的發音,以及增強他們念英文字彙的信心。
As e-generation comes, English has become the most important foreign language in Taiwan. In order to get comprehensible pronunciation, phonics has not only been incorporated into English textbooks of elementary and junior high schools but also prevailed in English language institutes. For more and more researchers paid attention to phonics, few studies focused on vocational senior high school students. Based on this reason, this study aims to explore whether and to what extent vocational senior high school students can benefit from phonics instruction in their English word pronunciation and memorization. Participants were 70 first-grade students majoring in Horticulture at a vocational senior high school located in northern Taiwan. They were further categorized into three subgroups, high, mid, and low proficiency levels, in accordance with their English scores in the BCT for investigating which proficiency level would benefit most from phonics instruction. Four types of instruments were administered to the participants: 1) two questionnaires, 2) testing materials, 3) teaching materials, 4) interviews. The pre- and post- testing materials both included 25 words. The words in the former were chosen from English textbooks that subjects learned in junior high school; those in the latter were mostly chosen from English textbooks that subjects haven’t learned in vocational senior high school. Findings were summarized as follows. First, results from the pre- and post-tests revealed that there was no significant difference for the participants as a whole. Secondly, the participants of low proficiency level in this study have made significant progress on the word pronunciation tests whereas those of high proficiency level have made significant regression. Thirdly, the participants had deletion, insertion, substitution, similarity, and confusion problems towards pronouncing consonants along with articulation, substitution, confusion, and regularization errors towards vowels. Fourthly, L1 interference, dull sensitivity to the articulation of phonemes or fossilization in articulation, insufficient phonemic awareness, the participants’ passive learning attitudes and psychological resistance in learning, the complexity of phonics rules, and lack of phonetic symbols seemed to be difficulties for the participants to learn phonics well. Last, phonics instruction facilitated the participants’ English word memorization, pronunciation correction, and confidence to pronounce English words according to their responses in the pre- and post-intervention questionnaires.



自然發音法, 字母拼讀法, 發音, 字彙記憶, 英語程度, phonics, pronunciation, word memorization, English proficiency

