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品質良好的試卷應重視:1.編製技巧、2.取材是否具有代表性、3.具有一定的難度與鑑別度、4.與教學目標是否相符合、5.評量學生各層次的認知能力。大學入學考試地理科試題於前三個項目已有大考中心及不少學者進行研究,而本研究則是聚焦在後兩項。首先,整理出課綱發展的原理原則,探討八四年高中地理科課程標準特色與內涵。接著搜集民國91-97年地理科指考與學測試題,逐年逐題進行主要概念分布的分析與探討,以了解大考試題與課程標準的符應程度,檢視其是否落實地理教學目標。其次,依據「布魯姆認知領域教育目標分類修訂版」,將民國91-97年地理科指考與學測試題逐題分類,分析試題在「知識類型」與「認知歷程向度」的分布情形,檢視其是否能評量學生各層次的認知能力,為大學選才提供合理的評量架構。 根據以上研究步驟,本研究獲得結論如下: 一、大學入學考試民國91-97年地理科試題大致符合八四年高中地理課程標準,除了涵蓋課程標準的各主要概念,也反應了八四年課程標準對國際觀與環境關懷的強調。 二、學測與指考試題在「知識類型」上皆以「概念知識」為主,其中又以「Bb原則和通則化的知識」比例最高,呈現出地理教育強調概念知識的獲得。而「後設認知知識」的題目比例最低。 三、指考與學測試題在「認知歷程向度」上皆「了解」層次比例最高,其中又以「了解」中的「2.5推論」、「2.7解釋」比例最高。呈現出地理教育強調學生能確實了解各概念、原理原則知識,藉由推論、解釋因果等方式展現學習成果,因此「概念知識」多配合「了解」層次展現。「評鑑」只出現一題,許多高層次的細類(4.3歸因、5.1檢查、6.1產生、6.2規劃、6.3製作)則完全掛零。 四、指考在概念層次及試題組織上皆較學測深化、複雜化。 本研究建議未來大學入學考試地理科試題的命題宜朝提高層次、多元化與生活化邁進,並提供高層次認知向度試題示例作為命題參考。在後續研究上,則建議繼續運用布魯姆認知領域教育目標分類來檢視及優化課綱及試題。
This study aimed to investigate the traits, the knowledge types and cognitive process levels of geographic questions on College Entrance Examination (including SAGT and DRGT) administered form 2002 to 2008. For this goal, a comprehensive literature review of geographical curriculum standard (1995 version) and Revised Bloom's Taxonomy was taken to establish analytic models.By the analysis of geographic concepts of questions on SAGT and DRGT, we tested whether the questions are consistent with geographical curriculum standard(1995 version).By item analysis based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, questions on SAGT and DRGT were categorized in knowledge types and cognitive process levels. The results of this study are summarized as follows: First,geographic questions on College EntranceExamination were approximately consistent with the characteristcs and developmental trend of geographical curriculum standard(1995 version). Second,items on Conceptual Knowledge were the majority while few items were found at Matacognitive Knowlegde both in SAGT and DRGT. Third,items on Understand were the the majority while few items were found higher than Evaluate both in SAGT and DRGT. Finally,higher items in knowledge subtypes and cognitive sub-skills were more favored in the DRGT,compared with SAGT. The findings suggested the development of questions on higher levels(in knowledge types and cognitive process) both in SAGT and DRGT.Further studies should be developed to investigate the new geographical curriculum standard and the following geographic questions on College Entrance Examination with Revised Bloom's Taxonomy for further improvement.



大學入學考試地理科試題, 地理科課程標準, 布魯姆認知分類修訂版, 試題分析





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