

本研究旨在探討適婚男女的知覺父母婚姻關係、依附關係與其婚姻態度的關係。研究對象為未婚教師及工程師,共計258名。本研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,使用工具包含「知覺父母婚姻關係量表」、「父親母親依附量表」與「婚姻態度量表」。所得資料以t檢定、典型相關等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究結果如下: 1.不同性別、職業、父母婚姻狀態之適婚男女在知覺父母婚姻關係上有顯著差異存在。 2.不同職業、父母婚姻狀態之適婚男女在依附關係上有顯著差異存在。但不同性別之適婚男女在依附關係上則未達顯著差異存在。 3.不同性別、職業、父母婚姻狀態之適婚男女在婚姻態度上有顯著差異存在。 4.知覺父母婚姻關係與依附關係有兩組顯著的關係存在。 (1)適婚男女知覺父母婚姻關係的親密度與和諧度越好時,則其與父母的依 附關係越安全。 (2)適婚男女知覺父母婚姻關係的分離狀況越少、意見越不一致、衝突現象 越少時,則其和父母的疏離越少。 5.知覺父母婚姻關係與婚姻態度有一組顯著的關係存在。 適婚男女知覺父母婚姻關係的親密度與和諧度越好時,則其對婚姻所抱持的態度也越積極。 6.依附關係與婚姻態度有兩組顯著的關係存在。 (1)適婚男女和父母親的依附關係越安全時,則其對婚姻所抱持的態度也越 積極。 (2)適婚男女和父母親的疏離越高時,則其對婚姻的看法及行動傾向越 積極。 最後,根據本研究結果提出建議,作為婚姻教育、諮商與輔導及未來研究之參考。
The present study was an attempt to explore the relationships among the perception of parental relationship, the attachment to parents, and the attitudes toward marriage on unmarried adults. Instruments used in this study included “Parental Marital Relationship Scale”, “Attachment to Parents Scale”, and “Attitudes toward Marriage Scale”. 147 teachers and 111 engineers from six cities in Taiwan completed the survey. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by t-test and canonical correlation analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1.The perception of parental marital relationships showed significant differences among the unmarried adults of different genders, occupations and family structures. 2.The attachment to parents showed significant differences among the unmarried adults of different occupations and family structures, but significant differences were not found among unmarried adults of different genders. 3.The attitudes toward marriage showed significant differences among the unmarried adults of different genders, occupations and family structures. 4.Two types of canonical correlation were found between the unmarried adults’ perception of parental marital relationships and their attachment to parents. (1)When the parental marital relationships were more intimate and harmonious, the attachment to parents would be more secure in unmarried adults. (2)When the parental marital relationships were less separated, less conflicted, but with less agreement, the attachment to parents would be less alienated on unmarried adults. 5.One type of canonical correlation was found between the unmarried adults’ perception of parental marital relationships and their attitudes toward marriage. (1)When the parental marital relationships were more intimate and harmonious, the attitudes toward marriage would be more positive in unmarried adults. 6.Two types of canonical correlation were found between the unmarried adults’ attachment to parents and their attitudes toward marriage. (1)When the attachment to parents was more secure, the attitudes toward marriage would be more positive. (2)When the attachment to parents was more alienated, the perspectives and the tendency of getting married would be more positive. Based on the results, implications for the study of marriage and family work as well as counseling and guidance, and suggestions for future research were proposed.



知覺父母婚姻關係, 依附關係, 婚姻態度, 適婚男女, attachment, attitudes toward marriage, perception of parental marital relationship, unmarried adults





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