
dc.contributorTang, Shu-Huaen_US
dc.contributor.authorLai, Yu-Hsungen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討平衡取向多文本閱讀教學對學生的單文本閱讀理解能力、多文本閱讀理解能力和運用理解策略等方面之影響。採用兼具量化與質性之混合研究法進行探究,研究對象是國小四年級61位學生,共分成三組,兩組是實驗組(實驗組A和實驗組B),一組是對照組。實驗組A採用平衡取向多文本閱讀教學方式,實驗組B自行閱讀多文本方式,對照組未閱讀多文本教材,也未進行閱讀教學活動。實驗課程每週2次,每次40分鐘,持續24週。 本研究採兼具量化與質性之方法進行探究,實驗教學前、後對61位學生均施以PIRLS2006的閱讀理解測驗,來瞭解學生單文本的閱讀理解能力;此外,也從三組中各選一名閱讀理解程度高、中、低的學生,針對這9位學生於實驗教學前、後,施以多文本口語測驗和放聲思考測驗,來瞭解學生的多文本閱讀理解能力和運用理解策略情形。本研究結果如下: 一、在單文本的閱讀理解方面:由PIRLS2006的前後測成績,可以發現實驗組A學生的閱讀理解能力進步情形顯著優於實驗組B和對照組。 二、在多文本的閱讀理解方面:實驗組A和實驗組B的高、中閱讀理解程度學生於實驗教學後擁有較佳的多文本閱讀理解能力,在摘要能力、推論能力、比較與對照能力、連結經驗能力、提出自我觀點方面均優於對照組的學生。 三、在運用閱讀理解策略方面:實驗課程後,實驗組A學生運用理解能力進步許多,高閱讀理解程度的學生經常運用多種高層次的閱讀理解策略,低閱讀理解策略的學生較少「重讀」和「複述」,而能以「釋義」方式來理解文本內容。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to investigate the effects of balanced instruction approach and multiple texts reading on single text reading comprehension, multiple texts reading comprehension and using reading strategies. In this mixed methods researcch, sixty-one fouth grade students at an elementary school in which selected as two experimental groups (Group A and Group B) and one controld group. Group A adopted "balanced instruction approach and multiple texts reading” method (instruction and reading), Group B adopted“multiple texts reading” method (reading only), and control group required no reading and reading instrucion at all. The experiment lasted for 24 weeks totally, forty minutes in one period and two period per week. The study adopted quantitative and qualitative research methods. The researcher carried out the pretest and posttest on 61 studemts by using "PLRLS 2006 test” to investigate the effect on single text comprehension. The researcher also selected night students from two experimental groups (Group A and Group B) and one controld group, which were high, medium and low reading comprehension level in three groups. The nigh students are carried out pretest and posttest of multiple texts oral test and thinking aloud to investigate the effect on multiple texts reading comprehension and using reading strategies. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1.Through the implementin of the program, there were positive effects on improving student’ single text reading comprehension. The experimental group A performed significantly better than the experimental group B and the controlled group in PIRLS 2006 test. 2.Through the implementin of the program, high and medium reading level of two experimental groups students made progress in multiple texts reading comprehension. They performed better than the controlled group in summary, inference, compare,linking experience and making a point etc. 3. Through the implementin of the program, the experimental group A made progress in using comprehension strategy. Students with high comprehensive abilities in group A often used High-level comprehension strategies. The low comprehensive abilities student often used parapharing to improve his reading comprehension, rather than backtracking and repeating.en_US
dc.subjectbalanced approach instructionen_US
dc.subjectmultiple texts readingen_US
dc.subjectreading comprehension strategyen_US
dc.titleA Study of Balanced Instruction Approach and Multiple Texts Reading to Enhance Elementary School Fourth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehensionen_US

