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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
Fraser(1990)指出課程改革會造成教室環境的改變,而標準化成就評量,卻無法呈顯出課程的不同處和革新之成效;但經由研究學生對教室環境的知覺,確可呈現其不同處,因此這不但可直接評鑑實施過程之成效,並可間接評鑑課程的本質。本研究的目的即在於透過教室的社會心理環境量表“What Is Happenning In this Classroom",找出教師施行發展的教學模組前後,學生對課室社會心理氣氛知覺的差異,以回饋給開發此模組的教師群,在往後開發學校本位課程時參考。研究結果顯示,學生對教室社會心理環境的知覺分數,在整體上呈現比試行教學模組前來得高,但仍有一些負面的看法夾雜於其間。本研究也發現以相同的教材教學下,不同性別的學生對於試行該教學模組時,在教師支持(p<.01)、參與(p<.05)、平等(p<.05)、合作(p<.01)、探究(p<.01)以及同學間的親和關係(p<.01)等方面達到統計上的顯著差異。最後並提供一些教學上的建議,予往後有類似情境的學校教師作為參考。
Fraser (1990) indicated that, even when standard performance evaluation criteria do not register the "effect" of curricular and educational innovations, the perception of classroom environment may allow such an effect to become manifest. That is, the students' perception of the classroom climate can directly reveal the impact of new innovations in curricular programs and, indirectly, their measurable "quality." Thus this sort of perception, if quantifiable, would be an important item of information for teachers to have, serving them as feedback when they design a new curriculum or classroom activity. This study combines qualitative and quantitative methods to determine the impact of an interdisciplinary instructional module on classroom climate. Data were collected by using "What Is Happenning In this Classroom" questionnaires, interviewing students, and evaluating classroom videotapes, classroom observation journals and students' written feedback. The results show that even though the global evaluation is positive, there are differences among the perceptions of the participants. Moreover, to a certain degree these different perceptions and opinions are gender-based. Finally, practical suggestions are provided.
Fraser (1990) indicated that, even when standard performance evaluation criteria do not register the "effect" of curricular and educational innovations, the perception of classroom environment may allow such an effect to become manifest. That is, the students' perception of the classroom climate can directly reveal the impact of new innovations in curricular programs and, indirectly, their measurable "quality." Thus this sort of perception, if quantifiable, would be an important item of information for teachers to have, serving them as feedback when they design a new curriculum or classroom activity. This study combines qualitative and quantitative methods to determine the impact of an interdisciplinary instructional module on classroom climate. Data were collected by using "What Is Happenning In this Classroom" questionnaires, interviewing students, and evaluating classroom videotapes, classroom observation journals and students' written feedback. The results show that even though the global evaluation is positive, there are differences among the perceptions of the participants. Moreover, to a certain degree these different perceptions and opinions are gender-based. Finally, practical suggestions are provided.