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Department of Industrial Education, NTNU
Department of Industrial Education, NTNU
資訊技術的提升,將世界各國距離拉近而邁向了無國界的地球村時代。聯合國也積極的推動「科技善用者」(power users of technology)計畫,藉此縮減世界各國對於資訊技術的距離與差異;台灣身為地球村的一份子對於推動資訓標準應與世界相接軌,故本研究主要探討我國高職現行基礎資訊課程與全球數位素養委員會 GDLC ( Global Digital Literacy Council)所訂定的國際資訊認證標準IC3 (Internet and Computing Core Certification)之內涵做比較,以明確的分析出我國高職現行基礎資訊課程內涵與國際資訊認證標準之異同處,藉以明瞭需加強之處,其研究解國將可提供相關單位佐證參考。
With the advancement of information technology, the distance from country to country has been shrunk. The world is marching into the global village, which eliminates the border and boundary between country and country. The United Nations has been promoting the power users of technology actively so as to shrink the difference and result of information technology between country and country. As a member of the global village, Taiwan's standards toward promoting information technology should parallel with the world. The research mainly aimed at comparing the content difference between the basic information technology course in Taiwan's vocational schools and Internet and Computing Core Certification regulated by the Internet and Computing Core Certification. In this way, the content difference and similarity between the basic information technology course in Taiwan's vocational schools and the Internet and Computing Core Certification could be investigated and grasped specifically to point out what should be stressed and highlighted in the basic information technology course in Taiwan’s vocational schools. The results of the research would provide further references for future researchers and related projects.
With the advancement of information technology, the distance from country to country has been shrunk. The world is marching into the global village, which eliminates the border and boundary between country and country. The United Nations has been promoting the power users of technology actively so as to shrink the difference and result of information technology between country and country. As a member of the global village, Taiwan's standards toward promoting information technology should parallel with the world. The research mainly aimed at comparing the content difference between the basic information technology course in Taiwan's vocational schools and Internet and Computing Core Certification regulated by the Internet and Computing Core Certification. In this way, the content difference and similarity between the basic information technology course in Taiwan's vocational schools and the Internet and Computing Core Certification could be investigated and grasped specifically to point out what should be stressed and highlighted in the basic information technology course in Taiwan’s vocational schools. The results of the research would provide further references for future researchers and related projects.