

本研究旨在瞭解目前九年一貫課程綱要「自然與生活科技課程綱要」的實施現況、問題及其修訂方向。並根據研究結果提出具體建議,供未來主管教育行政機關、國民中學以及未來相關研究之參考。本研究以2005學年度的公立國中生活科技教師為調查對象,利用分層隨機取樣的方式,郵寄出254份問卷進行意見調查,回收後共得有效問卷159份,有效問卷回收率為62.6%。所蒐集資料以次數分析、單一樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等方式進行資料分析。獲致主要結論如下:(1) 不同背景的生活科技教師,對科技課程綱要中之課程理論面與教學實務面,其看法相當一致。(2) 生活科技教師對於課程綱要中科技的基本理念與能力要項,「重視程度」皆高於在學校中教學時的「符合程度」。(3) 生活科技教師較重視綱要中「過程技能」、「思考智能」、與「設計與製作」三項能力。(4) 生活科技教師支持未來「科技課程獨立」。(5) 若「科技」須與他科合併成為一新領域,以和「家政」科合併的接受∕同意程度最高。(6) 大部分生活科技教師認為科技課程的時數配當應採「每學期每週二節」。(7) 如在總節數(約為120節)無法變動的情形下,多數生活科技教師較支持「將科技課程在每個學年當中一個學期(上或下學期)實施,每週分配兩節」之排課方式。(8) 目前科技教育在施行上遭遇的主要困難,在於科技並非升學考試科目,因而不受學校的重視。(9) 未來規劃科技課程綱要時,應注重與其他學科在同一學習領域中的對等與和諧關係。
The purpose of this study was aimed at identifying the current status of implementation, issues and revisiions of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Science and Technology Guide. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to 254 living technology teachers of public junior high schools. The results of this study were to propose suggestions to educational authorities, junior high schools, and further studies. Finally, 159 copies valid questionnaire were obtained, account for a return rate of 62.6%. Affter analyzing the survey results, the following conclusions were made: (1) It was quite consistent among LT teachers’ perceptions on the importance level of theory and practical teaching. (2) Regarding the concepts and abilities toward technology, LT teachers emphasized them more than what they taught. (3) LT teachers viewed–process skills, thinking abilities, and design and making as three most important skills. (4) LT teachers in the public junior school preferred an independent technology course in the future. (5) Technology has to be combined other subject to become a new field, Home Economics Education would be the most accepted one. (6) Most of LT teachers agreed that two per week for LT would be appropriate. (7) LT teachers preferred to teach two hours per week in either the first or second. (8) The major problem that LT was not viewed as an important subject was because it is not a subject for entrance examination. (9) In revising Science and Living Technology Curriculum Guide in the future, it is important for LT course to be treated an equal importance as other subjects and be coherent with them.



科技教育, 課程綱要, 課程改革, technology education, curriculum guide, curriculum reform





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