

南投地區國中、高中教師休閒活動涉入及效益之研究 指導教授:黃金柱博士 研 究 生:林誠得 摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解南投地區國中、高中教師休閒活動涉入及效益。以南投地區國中、高中教師為對象,透過「南投地區國中、高中教師休閒活動涉入及效益問卷」進行問卷調查,問卷發出500份,回收449份,有效樣本431份,有效回收率達86.2%。將所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析後,結果發現:一、女性多男性、公立學校多於私立學校、40歲以下教師較多、婚姻對教師職業沒有影響、任教年資年輕化。二、參與現況以和家人、朋友最普遍,每月參與3-4次,每次花費60-90分鐘,集中在16:00-18:00,大多利用星期六、日,主要是促進身體健康,最大阻礙因素是沒有時間。三、不同性別、任職學校、年齡、家庭生命週期、任教年資在休閒參與涉入及效益差異性考驗與變異數,僅家庭因素在變異數分析達顯著水準外,其餘均未達顯著水準。四、建議:(1)建議主管機關規劃設計多元休閒活動場所供國民使用。(2)後續研究者可從休閒活動流暢感、幸福感與深度體驗深入探討。 關鍵詞:涉入、效益、休閒活動
The study of the involvement and benefits for Participating in leisure activities from Junior and Senior High School Teachers at Nantou area Abstract The study aimed at understanding the involvement and benefits of Participating for leisure activities from Junior and Senior High School Teachers at Nantou area. And we tried to find out the relationship among different variables. We underwent the research by questionnaire’s topic of “The involvement and benefits of Participating for leisure activities from Junior and Senior High School Teachers at Nan-To area”. 449 questionnaires were collected back from a total of 500 questionnaires that sent out. And the effective samples were 431 pieces which accounted for the effective rate of 86.2%. After analyzing the obtained data by descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA correlation analysis, the following results were found: 1. Female were more than male; public school teachers were more than private school ones; teachers below 40 years old were more to do so. The data also had shown a trend of younger anticipants among those teachers. But we found marriage has no effect on those activities. 2. Participating for leisure activities with their families and friends are both in the most frequency. And that people took part in the activities were around 3-4 times in a month, every time people spent 60-90 minutes to the activities, mainly around the day time of 16:00 to 18:00, most of the people doing it on Sat. and Sun. the main purpose is hoping to maintain healthy, while no time to take part in was the most used excuse among people. 3. Different factors such as gender, ages, school, family life cycle and senior status, only family factor has significant variance shown in the testing analysis of leisure activities involvement and benefits, while other factors did not show much difference. 4. We suggest government shall plan and design various facilities for people to enjoy leisure time and activities. And future researchers can study more on the topics sense of smooth and happiness for leisure activities and deep experience exploration for all aspects. Keywords:involvement, benefits, leisure activities



涉入, 效益, 休閒活動





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