
dc.contributorWu, Chao-Jungen_US
dc.contributorLin, Wei-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Chia-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract為幫助學生有創意的探索科學,並習得可因應各種挑戰的能力,科學教師應發展具彈性、支持性與回應性的教學方法,以有效達成教學目標-此即為教師的教學創新能力。然而,教學現場的教師常面臨著學科專業知識、教學知識與教學信心不足的挑戰,使其未能跳脫傳統講授式教學之窠臼。教師若要克服教學上的挑戰,便需要持續學習,而參與教師專業學習社群便是提供專業學習成長及孕育合作探究文化的最佳途徑之一。在教師社群中,教師們共同以改進教學與促進學生學習為目標,持續性地集思廣益課程設計與教學計畫,抑或解決教學上的問題,實為發展教學團隊創造力的重要基礎。過去雖有許多針對教師團隊與社群的研究,但關注焦點多僅為團隊成員特質、團隊背景資料與組織情境等脈絡因素,或為團隊創造力之最終成品,少有直接探討教學團隊發展團隊創造力的對話歷程。因此,本研究旨在探討一個國中科學教學團隊如何對話及互動以產生教學創新,並釐清其脈絡層面的可能影響。本研究採轉換混合設計法(mixed method),藉由參與觀察與訪談等方式了解成員間的互動層面,並轉化Csikszentmihalyi系統模式之理論架構,探究教師、教學團隊與共享知識系統等脈絡層面。研究結果共有三個主要發現:一、釐清此科學教學團隊中「互動層面」之內涵與動態關係,並建構互動層面之團隊創造力模式。在此模式中,成員以簡答及認同等基本對話元素促使團隊運作,並持續表現可增進團隊討論之任務相關行為與互動相關行為,其涵括五個階段:(一)目標性的脈絡:團隊成員對於團隊目標及方向擁有共享的理解;(二)擴展:團隊成員拋出教學想法、可能的替代方案與資源分享,以延展團隊思考;(三)理解:團隊成員以深入解釋、尋求說明及回饋等方式,深化團隊知識基礎;(四)暫停:團隊成員會藉由課程相關閒聊的方式,暫時轉移注意力,以考量更多可能性,並淬鍊出更具適切性之創意想法;(五)訊息精緻化:團隊成員考量不同教學情境,將拋出的想法與訊息加以轉化。值得注意的是,這些階段並非線性固定的,在任何一個階段內,都可能發生部分或全部階段所形成的小循環。二、釐清此科學教學團隊背後之教師、教學團隊及共享知識系統等「脈絡層面」之內部狀態與動態關係,並建構脈絡層面之團隊創造力模式。首先,本研究發現此團隊成員在個人之脈絡層面上,具備充足的學科專業知能、求新求變的人格特質、高自發性的學習動機以及多元的教學相關經驗。關於教學團隊之脈絡層面,此團隊具備可彈性調整的團隊規模、穩定的團隊運作、多樣化的成員主修科系及學生班級特性、學習目標導向、高度共識、共享式領導以及正向團隊氛圍。在共享知識系統之脈絡層面上,此團隊之主要領導者具備科學領域知識、教學知識、科學教學知識等知識系統,以及教具製作與使用的經驗,並能以此傳承給其他團隊成員。三、整合互動及脈絡層面,建置脈絡-互動層面團隊創造力模式。此即為以三大脈絡層面為支撐基礎,讓團隊創意想法在「擴展」與「理解」等互動層面的螺旋式循環下,持續發展訊息精緻化,最後產生團隊創造力。 整體而言,本研究藉由混合設計法釐清科學教學團隊發展團隊創造力的互動及脈絡層面因素,並建置脈絡-互動層面團隊創造力模式;文末將以研究結果與文獻進行綜合討論,並為有意參與或籌組教師專業社群之科學教師提供具體的行動策略及建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo help students explore science in a creative way and gain the abilities to deal with all kinds of challenges, science teachers have to develop flexible, supportive and responsive teaching methods to meet their teaching targets, that is, to develop the ability of teaching creativily. However, traditional teacher-centered methods are still adopted since teachers’ difficulities of inadequate content knowledge, limited pedagogical knowledge, and lack of confidence that they usually encountered. Teachers have to keep learning to conquer the challenges in their teaching. Professional learning communities, or PLC, is one of the best ways for teachers’ professional learning and cultivating the culture of collaborative inquiry. In PLC, teachers work collaboratively to generate teaching plans, curriculum designs or solutions for their unique situations in order to achieve the goals that improving their teaching and students’ learning, which might be the base of teachers’ group creativity. Previous studies of PLC have focused on contextual factors, such as characteristics of group members, demography of group, and organizational situation, or their pdoduct of group creativity, instead of their ongoing procress of developing group creativity. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the developing process of teaching group creativity by exploring the interactional aspect and contextual aspect of individual, teacher group, and shared knowledge system which adapted form Csikszentmihalyi’s systems model within a middle school science teaching group. The mixed-method approach was adopted and participant observatins and interviews were used for data collection and analysis. The main results of the study are as fallows: 1. The interactional aspect of group creativity model was constructed, and five stages were included: (1) Goal-oriented context stage: Group members achieved shared understanding in group goals and directions; (2) Expanding stage: Group members demonstrated multiple teaching ideas proposing, alternative solution raising, and teaching resources sharing to broaden group’s thinkings in extensive stage; (3) Understanding stage: Group members performed illustration seeking, explaining, and feedback to reinforce group’s knowledge basis in understand stage; (4) Suspending stage: By distracting their attentions temporarily, group members considered more possibilities and developed appropriate ideas; (5) Information elaborating stage: Within the spiral circulation of the two stages, ideas and informations were elaborated through contextualization and combination. It is noteworthy that the stages are nonlinear but circles that might be generated within single or multiple stages. 2. The contextual aspect of group creativity model was clarified, including the levels of individual, teacher group, and shared knowledge system. At the level of individual, the groupmembers possessed adequate professional competences, personality that seeking for changes, learning motivation, and diverse teaching experiences. At the level of teacher group, this group had flexible group size, stable group working process, diversity of members’ majors and characteristics of their students, learning goal orientation, consensus of group goals, shared leadership and positive group climate. At the level of shared knowledge system, the main leader of this group had extensive content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and sufficient skills of making and using props, which all could be inherited to other members. 3. The contextual-interactional aspect of group creativity model was constructed by integrating the two aspects that mentioned above. Group creativity developed and elaborated in the spiral circulation between stages of expanding and understanding in individual, group, and domain in contextual aspects. In sum, this study explored the interactional aspect and contextual aspect of a scientific teaching group through mixed-method approach to clarify the process of developing group creativity, and built up the contextual-interactional aspect of group creativity model. Based on the results, relevant empirical and theoretical research have been discussed, and the pratical suggetions for scientific teacher groups have also been proposed.en_US
dc.subjectGroup creativityen_US
dc.subjectScientific creative teachingen_US
dc.subjectSystems approachen_US
dc.subjectTeacher groupsen_US
dc.titleExploring the creative interactions and contextual factors of a scientific teacher groupen_US

