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近年來,許多設計師透過國際性比賽及展覽,以關懷環境議題為題材,表達 對生態環境的看法與感受,利用視覺圖像的方式引導社會大眾思考人與自然之間 的價值觀與生態觀。本創作研究欲將仿生思維的概念應用於環保海報設計,從觀 自然、仿自然的角度切入環境議題,並達到以下目的(一)透過對仿生學與仿生 設計相關文獻的研究整理,了解其發展脈絡及趨勢,進而建構仿生思維;(二) 歸納與建構仿生思維於環保海報設計的應用原則與表現形式;(三)將研究結果 應用於環保海報創作以驗證仿生創作模組。
本創作研究首先透過文獻研究法,主要從仿生、仿生學、仿生設計及環保海 報的發展內容與趨勢中建構仿生思維,並針對平面設計領域的仿生設計內容歸納 為形態、色彩及質感,並以此作為仿生插圖的三要素;接著輔以案例分析法,蒐 集歐、美、亞各地區具國際性、專業性且以關懷生態及環境議題為項目的海報賽 事、線上展覽或書籍中的海報作品,並依循仿生插圖的三要素作為篩選環保海報 案例樣本的準則,分析出其中仿生思維於環保海報的三種應用原則:相關原則、 相反原則與因果原則,以及五種表現形式:置換重構、錯視幻覺、拼接組形、適 形填滿和影構圖形,將其統合整理後提出仿生環保海報的創作模組。
並將「仿生環保海報的創作模組」實際驗證於環保海報創作之中,期望透過 更有效率且觸動人心的視覺畫面,傳達環境議題的迫切與重要性。藉由本次創作 實證研究,獲得以下三點結論:(一)透過仿生思維的建構與應用,以自然生態 的角度重新詮釋環境議題,有助於環保觀念的推動;(二)環保海報應用仿生原 則與形式,除了有效獲取仿生主體與對象之外,在視覺表現上更具獨特與內涵; (三)藉由環保議題的海報創作,將仿生的價值回歸於搭建人類發展與自然生態 和諧共生的平台。
Nowadays, many designers express their views and feelings toward the ecological and environmental issues by participating in international competitions and various exhibitions. They try to guide the general public to think about the relationship between humans and Mother Nature, and the values within the scope, sentimentally and ecologically. The purpose of this work and background researches is to apply the concept of bio mimicry into the design of the poster that pitches in the environmental issue. By observing the nature and mimic creatures, the author tried to cut into environmental issues, in order to achieve the following objectives: (1) to understand the contextual development and the trend of bio mimicry by reading researches, and to know the importance of the concept (2) to analyze rules and construct forms and principles of the bio mimicry design applied in environmental posters. (3) applying the concept and the collected information to the environmental posters in order to know the bio mimicry mode in the real world. In this work, the author tried to build up the concept by analyzing researches in four aspects: bio mimicry, biomimetics, bio mimicry design and the development of environmental posters. Focusing on bio mimicry design in Graphic Design area and imparting the issue into few parts: the form, the color and the texture as vital elements in the bio mimicry design; In addition, the author used case analysis, collecting environmental posters from Europe, the United States, Asia, that works are with international, professional characters, caring for ecological and environmental topics. The author searched on the Internet, competitions and also relative magazines only for fantastic works, and filtered the works with the ‘vital element’ rules mentioned above. The author analyzed the content of works and put the details of the design into a couple of the common rule in the bio mimic area. That is Relevant Principle, Opposite Principle and the Causal Principle, and also five manifestations including Replacement Reconstruction and Pseudoblepsia, Splicing Shapes, Shape fitting and Shadow-constructed Graphics, which were integrated and were applied in the bio mimicry mode in this environmental poster. By using the ‘bio mimicry mode’ in the environmental poster, the author hoped to convey the urgency and the importance of environmental issues through those heart-touching visual images. Through this research, three conclusions were reached: (a) through the construction and application of bio mimicry, by helping the public to see the environmental issue with ecological view point, it will assist the government to focus again on the environmental preservation; (b) the environmental poster uses bio mimicry principles, it not only attracts people’s attention, but also shows the different idea of the unique visual art; (c) by the environmental poster creation, it conveys the idea that to return to the ‘harmony platform’ for people and Mother Nature to co-exist.
Nowadays, many designers express their views and feelings toward the ecological and environmental issues by participating in international competitions and various exhibitions. They try to guide the general public to think about the relationship between humans and Mother Nature, and the values within the scope, sentimentally and ecologically. The purpose of this work and background researches is to apply the concept of bio mimicry into the design of the poster that pitches in the environmental issue. By observing the nature and mimic creatures, the author tried to cut into environmental issues, in order to achieve the following objectives: (1) to understand the contextual development and the trend of bio mimicry by reading researches, and to know the importance of the concept (2) to analyze rules and construct forms and principles of the bio mimicry design applied in environmental posters. (3) applying the concept and the collected information to the environmental posters in order to know the bio mimicry mode in the real world. In this work, the author tried to build up the concept by analyzing researches in four aspects: bio mimicry, biomimetics, bio mimicry design and the development of environmental posters. Focusing on bio mimicry design in Graphic Design area and imparting the issue into few parts: the form, the color and the texture as vital elements in the bio mimicry design; In addition, the author used case analysis, collecting environmental posters from Europe, the United States, Asia, that works are with international, professional characters, caring for ecological and environmental topics. The author searched on the Internet, competitions and also relative magazines only for fantastic works, and filtered the works with the ‘vital element’ rules mentioned above. The author analyzed the content of works and put the details of the design into a couple of the common rule in the bio mimic area. That is Relevant Principle, Opposite Principle and the Causal Principle, and also five manifestations including Replacement Reconstruction and Pseudoblepsia, Splicing Shapes, Shape fitting and Shadow-constructed Graphics, which were integrated and were applied in the bio mimicry mode in this environmental poster. By using the ‘bio mimicry mode’ in the environmental poster, the author hoped to convey the urgency and the importance of environmental issues through those heart-touching visual images. Through this research, three conclusions were reached: (a) through the construction and application of bio mimicry, by helping the public to see the environmental issue with ecological view point, it will assist the government to focus again on the environmental preservation; (b) the environmental poster uses bio mimicry principles, it not only attracts people’s attention, but also shows the different idea of the unique visual art; (c) by the environmental poster creation, it conveys the idea that to return to the ‘harmony platform’ for people and Mother Nature to co-exist.
仿生, 仿生設計, 環保海報設計, Bionic, Bionic Design, Environmental Poster Design