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近年來,新聞教學在全世界都受到廣泛關注,而其中的新聞評論就是反映一個國家或語言的說服模式的書面文體。然而,對學習者而言,如何在短時間內發現作者立論之處並推論出其言外之意仍是極大的挑戰。而後設論述標記(metadiscourse marker),特別是強調標記(boosters),正是協助讀者瞭解作者立場的最佳管道。因此,本論文欲探究哪些詞為華語中的強調標記、其在篇章中出現的位置及功能。本論文以561篇新聞評論語料庫及30份母語者調查問卷為量化分析研究工具,並以Hyland(2005)的後設論述標記分類系統為框架進行質化分析。本論文首先提出強調標記的定義有二,一是「強化對命題的確信程度,表達作者對其主張的信心」,二是「拒絕其他觀點以強化作者立場」。其次,筆者解析強調標記之交互及互動功能,並歸納出強調標記的分類系統,包括真實性(「的確」、「確實」、「真的」、「其實」、「實在」、「事實上」)、肯定性(「絕對」、「顯然」、「當然」、「無疑」、「一定」、「肯定」、「勢必」﹑「必定」、「必然」)、特殊性(包括「甚至」、「尤其」、「特別是」)以及不變性(包括「畢竟」、「終究」)的副詞性強調標記。另一方面,根據量化統計結果,台灣報紙新聞評論都會使用強調標記,且多用在新聞評論篇章結構的第二個語步「內文」之中。此外,本論文進一步以此20個強調標記進行教學實驗,針對3組學生實施3週的教學計劃,實驗結果證明強調標記有助於閱讀理解。最後,筆者以上述研究結果為基礎,規劃一套應用於新聞評論閱讀教學中強調標記的教材供教師參考,期望能協助華語學習者培養有效的閱讀策略,以提高新聞閱讀能力。
In recent years, “Newspaper in Education” has received a great deal of attention in the field of second language acquisition. Editorial and opinion pieces, as a subgenre within the genre of media discourse, provide the best examples of writing to express a viewpoint and persuade the reader. However, identifying the author’s arguments and reading between the lines present a significant challenge on the way to becoming a successful reader. Metadiscourse markers, in particular “boosters”, act as cues for readers to discern the writer’s opinion. Therefore, this study aims to identify patterns in booster markers in Chinese-language opinion articles. The research tools of this study include a corpus of 561 articles selected from four prominent newspapers in Taiwan and 30 questionnaires from Chinese native speakers. A combined method of qualitative and quantitative analyses is adopted within the theoretical framework of Hyland’s (2005) metadiscourse taxonomy. The qualitative analysis reveals the boosters’ contextual definition, analyzes their textual and interpersonal functions, and creates a classification system of four types of booster markers. The quantitative analysis generalizes 20 boosters, uncovers the structure of three obligatory moves in the Chinese editorial, and investigates the frequency and distribution of boosters in editorial. Based on these research results, this study further conducts an experiment with pre-test/post-test experimental and control groups design to measure the effect of boosters teaching on reading comprehension. In the final chapter, this study provides the pedagogical implications for teaching editorial reading through boosters in order to improve students' news reading ability.
In recent years, “Newspaper in Education” has received a great deal of attention in the field of second language acquisition. Editorial and opinion pieces, as a subgenre within the genre of media discourse, provide the best examples of writing to express a viewpoint and persuade the reader. However, identifying the author’s arguments and reading between the lines present a significant challenge on the way to becoming a successful reader. Metadiscourse markers, in particular “boosters”, act as cues for readers to discern the writer’s opinion. Therefore, this study aims to identify patterns in booster markers in Chinese-language opinion articles. The research tools of this study include a corpus of 561 articles selected from four prominent newspapers in Taiwan and 30 questionnaires from Chinese native speakers. A combined method of qualitative and quantitative analyses is adopted within the theoretical framework of Hyland’s (2005) metadiscourse taxonomy. The qualitative analysis reveals the boosters’ contextual definition, analyzes their textual and interpersonal functions, and creates a classification system of four types of booster markers. The quantitative analysis generalizes 20 boosters, uncovers the structure of three obligatory moves in the Chinese editorial, and investigates the frequency and distribution of boosters in editorial. Based on these research results, this study further conducts an experiment with pre-test/post-test experimental and control groups design to measure the effect of boosters teaching on reading comprehension. In the final chapter, this study provides the pedagogical implications for teaching editorial reading through boosters in order to improve students' news reading ability.
新聞評論, 後設論述標記, 強調標記, 閱讀教學, 新聞教學, editorial, metadiscourse, boosters, reading instruction, newspaper reading