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本研究以質性研究為主,量化統計為輔,資料分為質性資料與量化資料兩種,質性資料方面,主要是仿照紮根理論的譯碼、編碼方式進行資料的整理與分析;量化資料則是使用SPSS12.0統計軟體進行統計分析,統計方法包含敘述性統計(Descriptive Statistic)、獨立樣本t考驗(t-test)、單因子變異分析(One-Way ANOVA)、雪費事後比較(Scheffe post hoc procedure)等,研究成果摘述如下:
1.我國提供開發中國家發展職業教育與訓練之援助,主要是根據我國憲法第 141 條,以及1995年立法通過之國際合作發展基金會設置條例為主要法源。
The title of the research is “A study of Taiwan’s foreign assistance strategies for vocational education and training to the developing countries”. The purposes of the study are to investigate the goals, developing aspects, assistant strategies, ect. of Taiwan’s foreign assistance on vocational education and training, (VET). Due to the opportunity that researcher has participated in foreign assistant projects of VET development hosted by International Cooperation and Development Fund ( TaiwanICDF), there were 7 times to visit developing countries in Africa and Central America between 1999 and 2007. The countries included Republic of The Gambia, Republic of Senegal, and The Republic of Panama. By means of field observation and in-depth interview with 23 specialists who work as government, educator or trainer, enterprineur, or NGO members, Some of developing issues and strategies of foreign assistance of VET were integrated. To confirm the aforementioned assistant strategies, the method of questionnaire was used in the end of the study to collect data and suggestions from 45 VET professionals who had taken part in the foreign assistant projects. There are qualitative and quantitative data in the study. The procedure of coding that is similar grounded theory was used to analysis qualitative data. Yet, the ways of descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post hoc procedure. were used to quantitative data statistics and analysis by means of SPSS12.0 software. The results of the study are shown as follow: ●The legislation that Taiwan helps developing countries develop VET is based on article 141 of Taiwan’s constitution, and established acts of International Cooperation and Development Fund announced by The Legislative Yuan of Taiwan in 1995. ●The goals that Taiwan assist developing countries to develop VET are to promote human capital of the country, to enhance industrial competency in order to develop country economy, and to encourage citizen to work to stabilize the law and order of society. ●The developing aspects of assisting developing countries to develop VET include: assist to develop agriculture and fishery technology, assist to human resource development, strengthen to cooperate with international organization and NGO to establish partnership, impel the gender equality to empower women, assist to develop VET project, ect.. ●There are 5 items that can be considered as aforementioned strategies for assisting developing countries to develop VET. They are developing content, facility and equipment, faculty cultivation, curriculum development, and sustainable management. Furthermore, the study was separately aimed at strategy aspect, implementation aspect, improvement of VET, and future research, etc. to propose some suggestions for reference.
The title of the research is “A study of Taiwan’s foreign assistance strategies for vocational education and training to the developing countries”. The purposes of the study are to investigate the goals, developing aspects, assistant strategies, ect. of Taiwan’s foreign assistance on vocational education and training, (VET). Due to the opportunity that researcher has participated in foreign assistant projects of VET development hosted by International Cooperation and Development Fund ( TaiwanICDF), there were 7 times to visit developing countries in Africa and Central America between 1999 and 2007. The countries included Republic of The Gambia, Republic of Senegal, and The Republic of Panama. By means of field observation and in-depth interview with 23 specialists who work as government, educator or trainer, enterprineur, or NGO members, Some of developing issues and strategies of foreign assistance of VET were integrated. To confirm the aforementioned assistant strategies, the method of questionnaire was used in the end of the study to collect data and suggestions from 45 VET professionals who had taken part in the foreign assistant projects. There are qualitative and quantitative data in the study. The procedure of coding that is similar grounded theory was used to analysis qualitative data. Yet, the ways of descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post hoc procedure. were used to quantitative data statistics and analysis by means of SPSS12.0 software. The results of the study are shown as follow: ●The legislation that Taiwan helps developing countries develop VET is based on article 141 of Taiwan’s constitution, and established acts of International Cooperation and Development Fund announced by The Legislative Yuan of Taiwan in 1995. ●The goals that Taiwan assist developing countries to develop VET are to promote human capital of the country, to enhance industrial competency in order to develop country economy, and to encourage citizen to work to stabilize the law and order of society. ●The developing aspects of assisting developing countries to develop VET include: assist to develop agriculture and fishery technology, assist to human resource development, strengthen to cooperate with international organization and NGO to establish partnership, impel the gender equality to empower women, assist to develop VET project, ect.. ●There are 5 items that can be considered as aforementioned strategies for assisting developing countries to develop VET. They are developing content, facility and equipment, faculty cultivation, curriculum development, and sustainable management. Furthermore, the study was separately aimed at strategy aspect, implementation aspect, improvement of VET, and future research, etc. to propose some suggestions for reference.
開發中國家, 國際援助, 職業教育與訓練, developing country, international assistance, vocational education and training