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研 究 生:潘沛彤
一、 臺北地區桌球俱樂部會員多以大專學歷之男性為主,約佔俱樂部人數的2/3,且大多數會員都「無」桌球運動代表隊之經歷。
二、 臺北地區桌球俱樂部提供之服務品質,以「確實性」得分最高,「有形性」得分最低。在顧客滿意度方面,以「專業能力」得分最高,「環境設施」得分最低。整體而言,臺北地區桌球俱樂部會員均感受到較高的服務品質,而在整體顧客滿意度上,也給予相當高之評價。
三、 年齡層低、教育程度低、月收入低、無桌球經歷之會員,對臺北地區桌球俱樂部服務品質與顧客滿意度有相當高的評價。
四、 臺北地區桌球俱樂部服務品質與顧客滿意度呈正相關;並且以服務品質之「有形性」、「反應性」、「確實性」與「關懷性」,對顧客滿意度之「環境設施」、「俱樂部形象」與「價格與促銷」影響最大。換言之,當其服務品質越佳,顧客滿意度便相對提高。
A study on service quality and customer satisfaction in table tennis club in Taipei Pan, Pei-tung Advisor: Cheng, Chih-fu Ed. D. Abstract The purpose in this present study was to reveal the relationship among service quality and customer satisfaction in table tennis club in Taipei. In addition, the study indicated the differences on the club members’ demographic variables between service quality and customer satisfaction. Four hundred and sixty-two members from fifteen table tennis club in Taipei were served as the subjects of this questionnaire survey research. After the data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and canonical correlation, the following findings were concluded. 1. Table tennis club members in Taipei were mainly male with a university or college background and have never been in athlete team. 2. In service quality, “assurance” scored the highest but “tangibles” the lowest. In customer satisfaction, “technical competence” got the highest score but “physic facilities” the lowest. On a whole, table tennis club members in Taipei evaluated highly on both service quality and customer satisfaction. 3. Younger members with the background of lower education level, lower income and never in athlete team evaluated highly on both service quality and customer satisfaction. 4. Service quality is positively related to customer satisfaction; “tangibles”, “responsiveness”, “assurance” and “empathy” in service quality are significant related to “physic facilities”, “club image” and “price and promotions” in customer satisfaction. In other words, service quality positively affects customer satisfaction. From the data analysis, following are the suggestions for managers of table tennis club: improve physic facilities in club and provide bargain discount promotion activities for members in order to increase members’ desire to participate in the club. Future research can investigate not only table tennis club members in different areas but also professional coaches and club managers; it can also utilize both quantitative and qualitative approach methods with in- depth interviews to provide a sound basis for analyzing in the future. Keywords:table tennis club, service quality, customer satisfaction.
A study on service quality and customer satisfaction in table tennis club in Taipei Pan, Pei-tung Advisor: Cheng, Chih-fu Ed. D. Abstract The purpose in this present study was to reveal the relationship among service quality and customer satisfaction in table tennis club in Taipei. In addition, the study indicated the differences on the club members’ demographic variables between service quality and customer satisfaction. Four hundred and sixty-two members from fifteen table tennis club in Taipei were served as the subjects of this questionnaire survey research. After the data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and canonical correlation, the following findings were concluded. 1. Table tennis club members in Taipei were mainly male with a university or college background and have never been in athlete team. 2. In service quality, “assurance” scored the highest but “tangibles” the lowest. In customer satisfaction, “technical competence” got the highest score but “physic facilities” the lowest. On a whole, table tennis club members in Taipei evaluated highly on both service quality and customer satisfaction. 3. Younger members with the background of lower education level, lower income and never in athlete team evaluated highly on both service quality and customer satisfaction. 4. Service quality is positively related to customer satisfaction; “tangibles”, “responsiveness”, “assurance” and “empathy” in service quality are significant related to “physic facilities”, “club image” and “price and promotions” in customer satisfaction. In other words, service quality positively affects customer satisfaction. From the data analysis, following are the suggestions for managers of table tennis club: improve physic facilities in club and provide bargain discount promotion activities for members in order to increase members’ desire to participate in the club. Future research can investigate not only table tennis club members in different areas but also professional coaches and club managers; it can also utilize both quantitative and qualitative approach methods with in- depth interviews to provide a sound basis for analyzing in the future. Keywords:table tennis club, service quality, customer satisfaction.
桌球俱樂部, 服務品質, 顧客滿意度, table tennis club, service quality, customer satisfaction