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本研究目的以實作活動與手腦並用為主的仿田宮迷你四驅車概念在國中生活科技創新教學,配合研究者自行設計創意科技教材-振動機之使用,輔以創造力技法及問題解決導向的競賽評量與情境學習,從而激發、培養與提昇國中學生之科技創造力。 研究採實驗設計研究,以臺北市市立某國中八年級學生137名為受試對象。實驗組以自編之仿田宮迷你四驅車概念創新教學;控制組則以相對應一般教學方式、內容進行教學。實驗教學的結果採用「學生競賽活動成績」及實驗教學前、後所實施的「國中學生創造性傾向測驗」作為量化評鑑工具。而後續追蹤實驗組及控制組學生「學習活動紀錄表」與授課教師「教師教學週誌」的相關資料,歸納、統整教師活動省思回饋與學生個人活動紀錄之內容質性分析,以驗證仿田宮迷你四驅車概念創新教學對提昇科技創造力之正面效益。 本研究發現:實驗組學生透過振動機 動手做實驗教學後,其「科技創意學習成效」與「學生創造性傾向」,均獲得提昇;而控制組學生於一般式教學後,其「科技創意學習成效」與「學生創造性傾向」,亦有所成長。唯實驗組學生之「科技創意學習成效」與「學生創造性傾向」,皆優於控制組學生之成就。配合學習活動紀錄表與教師教學紀錄之分析結果亦指出:實驗組學生於仿田宮迷你四驅車概念創新教學後,亦明顯優於一般教學模式。
The purpose of this study is to apply the concept of imitative TAMIYA Mini 4WD in the innovative instruction of living technology at junior high schools through hands-on and brain activity-based simulations. The researcher’s self-designed innovative instruction material, the virbrational robot, coupled with the creativity techniques and problem solving-oriented competitive assessment and situational learning have been adopted to elicit and foster the junior high school’s technological creativity. In this paper, the experimental design study has been adopted, and 137 eighth grade students from one junior high school serve as the study subjects. The experimental group has adopted the innovative instruction conceptualized by the self-made imitative TAMIYA Mini 4WD; the control group has adopted the general teaching methods and contents to carry out the teaching. The experimental teaching results for the experimental group have been evaluated using the quantitative tools including the “student contest results” and the “creative junior high school aptitude test” implemented in the pre-survey and post-survey. Then the “record of learning activities” for the students in the experimental group and control group, as well as the teachers’ “teachers teaching Weekly” related data were tracked to classify and summarize the teachers’ reflection and feedbacks on the activities, and the qualitative content analysis of the students’ personal activity records in order to verify the positive benefits of the imitative TAMIYA Mini 4WD concept in enhancing the technological creativity. It has been found in this study that the students in the experiment group have improved in the “technological and creative learning outcomes” and “creative tendencies” through the hands-on experimental teaching using the vibrational robot; the students in control group have also shown improvement in this regard. However, the degree of improvement for the students in the experimental group is higher than that of the control group. The analysis results of the “record of learning activities” and “teachers teaching weekly” have shown that: the students in the experimental group have achieved higher growth better than other general teaching models.



國中生活科技, 田宮迷你四驅車, 創新教學, 科技創造力, the living technology at junior high school, TAMIYA Mini 4WD, innovative instruction, technological creativity





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