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Center for Educational Research and Evaluation


本研究利用階層線性模式的二次成長曲線模式分析初任教師創意教學行為的成長模式,並探討創意角色認定對創意教學行為成長軌跡的影響。本研究以78 位國小初任教師為研究對象,採立意抽樣,進行為期兩年,共抽樣四次的縱貫性調查。研究結果發現,初任教師的創意教學行為存在顯著的個體間差異,且其成長曲線在剛開始任教的兩年間呈現先上升後下降之趨勢,各階段的成長率中,第一學期為正成長,但第二學期開始則為負成長。在創意教學行為的總變異量中,來自個體間的變異量佔49.7,而各體內重複測量的變異量佔50.3。此外,本研究也發現,教師的創意角色認定對於初階段的創意教學行為有正向影響之外,也對創意教學行為的成長曲率具有負向的影響效果。
Applying the quadratic growth curve in Hierarchical Linear Modeling to analyzing the growth model of beginning teachers’ creative teaching behaviors, this study aims to discuss the effects of creative role identity on the growth trajectory of creative teaching behaviors. There are 78 elementary beginning teachers proceeded with four longitudinal surveys in two years. The research findings show the differences in creative teaching behaviors among beginning teachers and the growth curve rises first and then descends in the beginning two years of teaching. The growth rate in various stages appears positive growth in the first term and then negative growth in the second term. In regard to the total variance of the creative teaching behaviors, the variance among individuals reveals 49.7 and the variance of individual repeated measure shows 50.3. Moreover, it is also found that a teacher’s creative role identity presents positive effects on the preliminary creative teaching behaviors but negative effects on the creative teaching behaviors growth curve.


