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臺灣的老街隨著年代的演進與政策的改變,從早期的地方商業中心,演變為現今的觀光休閒景點。由於商業的發展,老街內店家種類重複性逐漸增高,老街的原貌及其文化價值則相對被忽視,使人難以分辨不同老街之間存在的差異。故本創作研究動機即為「發現目前臺灣的老街普遍具有過度商業化與同質化的現象,使得老街各自的在地文化特色逐漸式微」。有鑑於此,本創作研究以「新竹縣內灣老街為研究對象」,除了因本研究者出生於新竹、與內灣老街具地緣關係外,亦發現內灣老街具有至今約200年的發展史,保有其自然地理環境、歷史建設(如支線鐵路、內灣戲院、林業與礦業開發遺址等)及客家人文風情等特色為名。本創作研究旨在「分析新竹縣內灣老街在地文化特色,以進行老街的動態標誌設計創作與整體視覺規劃」。透過歸納整理出內灣老街既有的歷史與文化脈絡,分析出屬於內灣老街的獨特文化元素,並加以轉換為具多變特質、可被廣泛使用的動態標誌設計,進而發展出一套屬於內灣老街的視覺識別設計,以提升地方視覺形象的一致性與辨識度。 於文獻探討的部分,彙整臺灣老街發展現況、內灣老街之歷史文化及概況、動態標誌與識別系統相關論述等。而在研究方法中,運用文獻蒐集與案例分析法,分析現有之國內與國外老街的識別系統及視覺規劃設計,作為後續設計參考,並發現現今國內及國外案例中皆有應用動態標誌的案例。並於最終設計創作出:內灣老街的動態標誌設計、內灣老街視覺識別設計基本要素與應用要素。期望透過本創作研究,提供未來老街於發展文化產業或於行銷推廣時,能結合動態標誌與視覺識別規劃,建立具備老街特色的品牌形象,並有具體可參考之依據。
With the evolution of the times and the change of policies, the old streets in Taiwan have evolved from the early local commercial centers to the current sightseeing and leisure attractions. Due to the development of commerce, the repetitive nature of the types of shops in the old street has gradually increased, and the original appearance of the old street and its cultural value have been relatively ignored, making it difficult to distinguish the differences between different old streets. Therefore, the motivation for this creation and research is"discovering that the old streets in Taiwan are generally over-commercialized and homogenized, which makes the local cultural characteristics of the old streets gradually diminish." In view of this, this creative research takes "Neiwan Old Street in Hsinchu County as the research object". In addition to being born in Hsinchu and having a geographical relationship with Neiwan Old Street, the researcher also found that Neiwan Old Street has a history of about 200 years. It is famous for its natural geographical environment, historical construction (such as branch railway, Neiwan theater, forestry and mining development sites, etc.) and Hakka cultural customs. The purpose of this creative research is to"analyze the local cultural characteristics of Neiwan Old Street in Hsinchu County, so as to carry out the creation of dynamic logo design and overall visual planning of the old street." By summarizing the existing historical and cultural context of Neiwan Old Street, analyzing the unique cultural elements belonging to Neiwan Old Street, and transforming them into a dynamic logo design with changing characteristics that can be widely used, and then developing the visual identity design of NeiwanOld Street to enhance the consistency and recognition of the local visual image.In the part of literature discussion, the current development of Taiwan old streets, the history and culture of Neiwan old streets and their general situation, dynamic logos and identification systems are summarized. In the research method, use literature collection and case analysis to analyze the existing identification systems and visual planning design of domestic and foreign old streets, as a reference for subsequent design, and find that there are cases of applying dynamic logos in bothdomestic and foreign cases today. And in the final design and creation output: the dynamic logo design of Neiwan Old Street, the basic elements and application elements of the visual identity design of Neiwan Old Street. It is hoped that through this creative research, in the future, when the old street develops cultural industries or promotes marketing, it can combine dynamic logos and visual identity planning to establish a brand image with the characteristics of the old street, and have a specific basis for reference.



同質化, 在地文化特色, 動態標誌, 識別系統, 地方視覺形象, homogenization, local cultural characteristics, dynamic logo, identification system, local visual image

