
dc.contributorSheue-Mei Luen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsun-Chih Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討青少年正向思考、正向情緒與學習動機之關係,採調查研究法,研究樣本為台灣本島地區公立國中的1459名學生,研究工具為「青少年正向思考量表」、「青少年之正向情緒量表」與「青少年學習動機量表」。「青少年正向思考量表」包括「認為正向事件是永久的」、「認為負向事件是短暫的」、「認為正向事件是普遍的」、「認為負向事件是特殊的」、「認為正向事件是內在的」、「認為負向事件是外在的」六個分量表;「青少年之正向情緒量表」包括「愉悅」、「心流」兩個分量表;「青少年學習動機量表」包括「工作價值」、「期望」、「免於測試焦慮的認知干擾」、「免於測試焦慮的情緒化」四個分量表。本研究運用的分析方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、典型相關、多元迴歸分析,主要研究發現羅列如下: 一、男生在動機之「期望」、「免於測試焦慮的認知干擾」、「免於測試焦慮的情緒化」顯著高於女生,在其餘的變項上則無顯著的性別差異。 二、整體來說,主觀家庭氣氛愈和諧者,其在正向思考、正向情緒和學習動機的得分有越高的傾向,惟正向思考之「認為負向事件是外在的」和動機之「免 於測試焦慮的認知干擾」與「免於測試焦慮的情緒化」例外。 三、整體來說,人際關係愈好者,其在正向思考、正向情緒和學習動機的得分有越高的傾向,惟正向思考之「認為負向事件是外在的」和動機之「免於測試 焦慮的認知干擾」與「免於測試焦慮的情緒化」例外。 四、有信仰宗教者在動機之「工作價值」與「期望」得分顯著高於無宗教信仰者,不過在「免於測試焦慮的認知干擾」與「免於測試焦慮的情緒化」卻顯著較低。在其餘的變項上,兩者則無顯著的組間差異。 五、有嗜好者在正向情緒之「心流」與動機之「期望」得分顯著高於無嗜好者。在其餘的變項上,兩者則無顯著的組間差異。 六、一週進行嗜好活動的時間愈長者,其在正向思考之「認為負向事件是外在的」、正向情緒之「心流」得分顯著高於一週進行嗜好活動的時間愈短者。在其餘的變項上,從事嗜好活動時間大致無顯著差異。 七、正向思考和正向情緒有顯著的典型相關,愈「認為正向事件是永久的」、「認為負向事件是短暫的」、「認為負向事件是特殊的」、「認為正向事件是內在的」,其愈感快樂,也愈能體驗個人能力與任務挑戰相符的專注忘我感。而愈「認為負向事件是短暫的」、「認為負向事件是特殊的」,其愈能體驗個人能力與任務挑戰相符的專注忘我感。 八、「心流」對「工作價值」、「期望」最具預測力;「認為負向事件是短暫的」對「免於測試焦慮的認知干擾」、「免於測試焦慮的情緒化」最具預測力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to investigate the relationships between the positive thinking, positive emotion and learning motivation of Taiwan adolescents. The participants of this study are 1459 public junior high school students. The instruments for this study include Background Questionnaire, Positive Thinking Scale, Positive Emotion Scale and Learning Motivation Scale. Positive Thinking Scale consists of six subscales: Permanent Good, Temporariness Bad, Pervasiveness Good, Specificity Bad, Internality Good, and Externality Bad. Positive Emotion Scale consists of two subscales: Pleasures and Flow. Learning Motivation Scale consists of four subscales: Task value, Expectancy, Free of Cognitive Interference of Test Anxiety and Free of Emotional Stress of Test Anxiety. The statistical methods used in this study include descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation, and multiple-regression. Major findings are as follows: 1. The boys get significantly higher scores than girls on the subscales of Expectancy, Free of Cognitive Interference of Test Anxiety and Free of Emotional Stress of Test Anxiety; however, there are no significant gender differences on the other subscales. 2. Subjects with more harmonious family atmosphere generally get significantly higher scores on the subscales of Positive Thinking, Positive Emotion and Learning Motivation Scales with a few exceptions. The exceptions are Externality Bad, Free of Cognitive Interference of Test Anxiety, and Free of Emotional Stress of Test Anxiety. 3. Subjects with better interpersonal relationship generally get significantly higher scores on the subscales of Positive Thinking, Positive Emotion and Learning Motivation Scales with a few exceptions. The exceptions are Externality Bad, Free of Cognitive Interference of Test Anxiety and Free of Emotional Stress of Test Anxiety. 4. Subjects with religion get significantly higher scores on Task Value and Expectancy, but subjects without religion get significantly higher scores Free of Cognitive Interference of Test Anxiety and Free of Emotional Stress of Test Anxiety. There are no significant differences between groups on the other subscales. 5. Subjects who have hobbies get significantly higher scores on Flow and Expectancy; however, there are no significant differences between groups on the other subscales. 6. Subjects who spend more time on hobbies a week get significantly higher scores on Externality Bad and Flow; however, there are no significant differences among groups on the other subscales. 7. There are significant canonical correlations between Positive Thinking and Positive Emotion. 8. The regression analyses indicate the Flow is the most salient predicator to Task Value and Expectancy, and the Temporariness Bad is the most salient predicator to Free of Cognitive Interference of Test Anxiety, and Free of Emotional Stress of Test Anxiety.en_US
dc.subjectpositive thinkingen_US
dc.subjectpositive emotionen_US
dc.subjectlearning motivationen_US
dc.titleA Correlation Study of Adolescent’s Positive Thinking, Positive Emotion and Learning Motivationen_US

