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本研究之主要目的是討論華人家庭所使用的「條件式管教」行為與「父母回應」教養行為,與幼兒社會行為之關聯。使用「幼兒發展調查資料庫建置」(KIT)三歲組2016年的第一波資料,進行結構方程模型(SEM)建構,關注和探討的依變項為幼兒的「正向社會行為」(獨立、主動、合群、順從行為)與「負向社會行為」(攻擊、退縮行為),共1,903個有效樣本。結果發現: 1.幼兒父母很經常採用「父母回應」的教養行為,約平均一星期5~7次;幼兒父母經常採用「條件式管教」行為,但相較於「父母回應」行為的頻率低,約平均一星期3~4次。 2.三歲幼兒經常表現出獨立、主動、合群、順從的「正向社會行為」,其中,幼兒合群行爲的頻率顯著高於其他三種行爲,幼兒獨立行爲的頻率顯著高於幼兒的主動與順從行;三歲幼兒總體而言很少表現出攻擊、退縮的「負向社會行為」,幼兒表現出退縮行為的頻率顯著高於攻擊行為。 3.家庭社經地位與幼兒「正向社會行為」與「負向社會行為」的關聯皆不顯著。 4.「父母回應」行為愈多,幼兒獨立性、主動性、合群性、順從性的「正向社會行為」表現也愈多;「父母回應」行為愈多,幼兒退縮性、攻擊性的「負向社會行為」表現愈少。 5.父母的「條件式管教」行為,與幼兒獨立性、主動性、合群性、順從性的「正向社會行為」關聯不顯著;父母「條件式管教」行為愈多,幼兒退縮性、攻擊性的「負向社會行為」表現愈多。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the influence of the disciplinary behaviors adopted by Chinese parents and the correlation between parenting behaviors and preschoolers' social behaviors. The study used the data from the 3-year-old group of the "Kids in Taiwan" project to construct a Structural Equation Model (SEM), concerning the positive and negative social behaviors of young children. There are 1,903 valid samples in this study and the results are as below: 1. Parents often adopt responsive parenting behaviors, about 5 to 7 times a week on average. They often adopt conditional discipline behaviors, about 3 to 4 times a week, but the frequency is relatively lower than the responsive behaviors. 2. In general, three-year-old children often show positive social behaviors. They rarely show negative social behaviors such as aggressive and withdrawal behaviors. The frequency of withdrawal behaviors of young children is significantly higher than that of aggression. 3. The relationship between family socioeconomic status and children's positive and negative social behavior is not significant. 4. The more often parents responding, the more positive social behaviors of children's positive social behaviors, and the less the children's negative social behaviors. 5. Parental conditional discipline behaviors are not significantly associated with positive social behaviors of children. But the more often the parental conditional discipline behaviors, the more negative social behaviors will be shown.



父母教養, 學前幼兒, 社會行為, 條件式管教, 回應, parental behaviors, preschool children, social behaviors, discipline, response





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