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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
本研究旨在探討研究者(大學實務工作者)與國小英語教師合作改造國小英語教學與評量活動的協同行動研究過程。為了解研究成員在協同研究歷程中的省思與學習,資料蒐集採持續而多元的途徑,包含教室觀察、教學檢討記錄、省思札記、以及檔案文件等。研究結果顯示: (一)研究過程中的合作探究歷程能促進研究成員的專業省思並提昇教師改進教學的動力。(二)教師教學信念、英語專業、以及是否願意「用心」是影響教學成效的重要因素。(三)學校和相關師資培育機構應透過工作坊、研習會、教師請書會或教學研究會等途徑,協助國小英語教師裝備「執行教室行動研究」相關知能,鼓勵教師研究和改造教學,以提昇個人與專業成長。
This study aims to investigate the collaborative action research process of a teacher educator and an elementary school English practitioner to improve teaching and assessment in one elementary school English classroom. To gain an in-depth understanding of the participants' reflection and learning, data collection included teaching and reflection notes, the researcher and the practitioner's reflective journals, student questionnaires, and documents. The findings show that the collaborative inquiry and the reflective process enhance the participants' self-reflexive potential and accelerate the processes that lead to quality teaching; that teacher education programs and institutions should equip teachers withability to conduct classroom research through workshops and teacher study groups; and that teacher's beliefs, knowledge, and commitment to providing access for all children to quality educational experiences are the key factors influencing teaching and learning.
This study aims to investigate the collaborative action research process of a teacher educator and an elementary school English practitioner to improve teaching and assessment in one elementary school English classroom. To gain an in-depth understanding of the participants' reflection and learning, data collection included teaching and reflection notes, the researcher and the practitioner's reflective journals, student questionnaires, and documents. The findings show that the collaborative inquiry and the reflective process enhance the participants' self-reflexive potential and accelerate the processes that lead to quality teaching; that teacher education programs and institutions should equip teachers withability to conduct classroom research through workshops and teacher study groups; and that teacher's beliefs, knowledge, and commitment to providing access for all children to quality educational experiences are the key factors influencing teaching and learning.