
dc.contributorChen, Chao-chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsieh, Meng-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract教育部公布103學年度圖書館電子書館藏於趨近於紙本書館藏,反映出電子書出版量急劇成長,圖書館電子書館藏也逐年遞增。電子書目錄與圖書目錄最大的不同點,在於電子書目錄能提供全文預覽。讀者除在圖書館目錄瀏覽電子書書目紀錄外,亦能經由網路書店、電子書商城所提供多種電子書書目加值資訊與功能,選擇符合需求的電子書。爰此,圖書館應著重了解讀者檢索取得電子書使用行為,與電子書書目加值資訊的需求,及近一步探討圖書館電子書目錄資訊提供與功能設計的規劃,以改善圖書館目錄呈現電子書的方法。 本研究採質性取向,徵選15位碩士生為研究對象。選擇4種電子書目錄:圖書館館藏查詢系統、凌網電子書平台、亞馬遜網路書店與DPLA StackLife;與2種途徑:圖書館網站、網際網路。研究方法以訪談法進行資料蒐集,並搭配6個任務給予受訪者執行。每一實測任務完成後,將會針對此任務目的進行一次訪談,屬任務導向的訪談。並將訪談錄音轉譯成逐字稿,進行組織與編碼,來了解受訪者對於電子書目錄書目資訊提供的使用狀況與電子書目錄功能設計的看法。 本研究針對受訪者檢索與取得電子書的現況提出結論共3項:1.受訪者得知電子書訊息來源多元,在網際網路上主要使用搜尋引擎來檢索與取得電子書;2.受訪者在圖書館館藏目錄偏好同時得知紙本書與電子書訊息;3.受訪者對於取得電子書之過程感覺煩雜,對館藏查詢搜尋功能沒有信任感。本研究針對受訪者對現有電子書目錄的使用現況提出結論共4項:1.受訪者認為必備的前十項書目基本資料項目依序為書名、作者、出版年、封面、出版社、摘要簡介、目次、主題、評論、星級評分;2.受訪者提到最喜歡功能是摘要,但行為上更常用全文預覽/試閱功能;3.受訪者會參考星級評論、社群分享與推薦功能但尚未形成使用習慣;4.受訪者認為交叉行銷最能協助瀏覽相關書籍。本研究針對受訪者對電子書目錄功能需求提出結論共3項:1.偏好電子書目錄以條列式呈現檢索結果與提供檢索後分類功能,而封面是影響受訪者在檢索結果中選擇書目的最重要因素;2.偏好具充分書目基本資料且排版整潔的電子書目錄;3.受訪者贊成圖書館建置獨立的電子書目錄及檢索系統。 根據研究目的,本研究針對圖書館提供檢索與取得電子書方式提出2項建議:1. 加強圖書館館藏查詢系統之搜尋功能;2.主動安排圖書館電子書利用教育課程。針對圖書館電子書目錄書目資料呈現提出2項建議:1.建議呈現詳細的書目資料項目;2.建議修改電子書相關連結名稱。針對圖書館電子書目錄社群分享與行銷模式服務提出2項建議:1.活絡星級評分功能;2.提供交叉行銷最能協助瀏覽相關書籍。針對圖書館電子書目錄功能需求提出3項建議:1.以條列式呈現檢索結果;2.提供檢索後分類功能;3.檢索結果提供圖書封面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince Ministry of Education of Taiwan announced that collections of ebooks in libraries approached that of print books in 103 academic year, it reflects the dramatic increases of ebook publications and collections in libraries. The most significant advantage of ebook catalogs over print book catalogs is full text preview. In addition to libraries, users can pick up ebooks through online print book and ebook stores with additional information and functions. As a result, to improve library ebook catalogs, libraries should investigate the design of the catalogs by understanding the behaviors that users search and acquire ebooks and the need of bibliographic enhancements of ebook. This study adopted the qualitative approach, recruiting 15 master students for interview. Four ebook catalogs, including Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), HyReadeBooks, Amazon, and DPLA StackLife, were chosen; two searching paths, including the web site of library and internet, were considered. Interview method was used in this study and 6 tasks were assigned to the interviewers. After the completion of each task, the interview proceeded for the object related to the task. The interview audio files were transcribed and encoded to understand the usage and opinions of interviewers on the ebook catalogs. The conclusions for searching and acquiring ebooks are: 1) the interviewers learn the information of ebooks from many sources, and they mainly use search engine to search and acquire ebooks; 2) the interviewers prefer getting search results of both books and ebooks from OPAC; 3) the interviewers feel trouble on the procedures acquiring ebooks, and are unconfident in the search functions of OPAC. The conclusions for usage of the present ebook catalogs are: 1) the 10 basic bibliographic records which should be included in Ebook catalogs are, sorted by importance, tile, author, year of publication, cover, press, abstract, contents, topic, review, and star rating; 2) while the interviewers stated they prefer abstract in the interviews, they more frequently used full text preview in behaviors; 3) the interviewers would consider star rating, review, social network sharing, and suggestion, but they have not been used to these functions; 4) cross marketing can help the interviewers browsing related books. The conclusions of the additional functions the interviewers need are: 1) the interviewers prefer the search results in list forms and the function of categorizing after searching. Covers influence what the interviewers choose a book most significantly; 2) the interviewers prefer ebook catalogs which have detailed bibliographic records and clear interfaces; 3) the interviewers support the idea to establish separated ebook catalogs and searching interfaces in library web sites. The suggestions for the ways of searching and acquiring ebooks provided by libraries are: 1) the search function of OPAC should be improved; 2) providing courses for using ebooks in libraries is necessary. The suggestions for the search results of OPAC are: 1) detailed bibliographic records is required; 2) the links to ebooks need to be improved. The suggestions for social network sharing and marketing are: 1) giving star rating should be motivated; 2) cross marketing can significantly help browsing related books. The suggestions for ebook catalogs of libraries are: 1) using list forms to show search results is favorable; 2) providing the function of categorizing after searching is suggested; 3) covers are necessary in searching results.en_US
dc.subjectEbook Catalogen_US
dc.subjectBehavior of Using Ebooken_US
dc.subjectCatalog Designen_US
dc.subjectBibliographic Recorden_US
dc.subjectSearching Behavioren_US
dc.titleA Design of University Library Ebook Catalog: From the Perspectives of User Behavioren_US


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