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本研究旨在探討透過數位行銷素養教育介入,對國中學生數位行銷素養與因應行為之效果。以準實驗研究設計,選取109學年度新北市某所國民中學八年級學生為研究對象。實驗組接受四次數位行銷素養教育介入課程,對照組則是接受常規的健康教育課程。四個數位行銷素養課程單元包括:「全集中分析!數位行銷大解密」、「小偵探大搜查」、「武裝自己面對挑戰!」、「羽翼漸豐,展翅高飛!」。實驗組43人與對照組44人完成在教育介入前一週前測調查與教育介入結束後一週進行後測。利用廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equations, GEE)評價教育介入之成效。研究結果發現數位行銷素養教育介入後,能顯著提升學生數位行銷風險感知及因應行為。建議學校推動數位行銷素養課程,強化學生數位行銷素養,來因應充滿挑戰之數位行銷環境。
The present study aims to examine the effects of digital marketing literacy educational intervention for junior high school students. A quasi-experimental design was used. The study was conducted in a middle-school located in New Taipei city. The curriculum consisted of 4 sessions of digital marketing literacy course. The intervention group received digital marketing literacy course, while the comparison group received regular course. A total of 43 middle-school students in the intervention group and 44 students in the comparison group successfully participated in the baseline and follow-up surveys. Generalized Estimating Equations method was used to evaluate the effects of the educational intervention. The results indicated that digital marketing literacy educational intervention had positive impacts to enhance students’ digital marketing risk perception and coping behaviors. It was suggested that schools could implement digital marketing literacy education to advance students' digital marketing literacy.
The present study aims to examine the effects of digital marketing literacy educational intervention for junior high school students. A quasi-experimental design was used. The study was conducted in a middle-school located in New Taipei city. The curriculum consisted of 4 sessions of digital marketing literacy course. The intervention group received digital marketing literacy course, while the comparison group received regular course. A total of 43 middle-school students in the intervention group and 44 students in the comparison group successfully participated in the baseline and follow-up surveys. Generalized Estimating Equations method was used to evaluate the effects of the educational intervention. The results indicated that digital marketing literacy educational intervention had positive impacts to enhance students’ digital marketing risk perception and coping behaviors. It was suggested that schools could implement digital marketing literacy education to advance students' digital marketing literacy.
數位行銷素養, 國中學生, 風險感知, 因應行為, digital marketing literacy, junior high school student, risk perception, coping behavior