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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
日本統治台灣後,兒玉總督和後藤新平就以振興糖業作為台灣殖產興業的重心,透過發佈一系列糖業保護政策,以吸引日本資本家來台灣開設新式製糖工場。明治製 糖株式會社社長相馬半治氏在親自探查後,於明治43 年 (1910) 在東石郡六腳庄蒜頭687 番地 (今嘉義縣六腳鄉工廠村) 成 立蒜頭製糖工場1。 蒜頭糖場位於朴子溪支流新埤溪的南邊,周圍是一片平野,以旱田為主,早期即是舊式糖廍的蔗作區。它是一個由無到有,孤立於附近聚落的糖場。會社為了照顧來 自日本的幹部、職員、技術人員,以及其眷屬,除了工場區外,更規劃了機能完善的宿舍區,其中包括居住、教育、衛生、娛樂、信仰 (神社) 等設施,此聚落類型是屬於計劃性的職住複合型聚落。然而在需要大量基層勞動力的狀況下,除了純日本人的居住空間外,亦加入了台灣人的居住空間。整個聚落就 在生活機能(食、住、行、育、樂、宗教)、職位等級 (管理階層和非管理接層)、愛國情操(房屋的門口都向北)和族群關係(日本人和台灣人)的影響因素下,呈現出有異於一般自然村的面貌。 本文透過實地訪察、文獻資料和地圖的整理來釐清日治時代蒜頭製糖工場的設立、經營、廠內空間規劃的理念;進而了解到居住在職住型聚落中的居民在受到職位等 級、族群關係和社會背景的影響下而建構出的生活方式。
Japan is a sugar imported nation. Therefore, when Japanese government ruled Taiwan, they tried very hard to improve the Taiwan’s sugar industry. The work done is created a better environment enticing the Japanese capitalists to invest in Taiwan’s sugar industry. Suantou sugar factory just at this time was set up. The modern sugar factory not only advanced the production of sugar, it also brought the way of life in working and living settlement into Taiwan. Suantou sugar factory is set on the Chiayi field. Before it was set up, there was noting. In order to take good care of the Japanese workers and their families, they built the dormitories near the factory. The dormitories were well-equipped, offering a full range of facilities for its residents including everything from daily meals to religious services. In the condition of needing elementary labors, the dormitories also added the living space of Taiwanese in the eastern part. The goal of this article is to present the setting and history of the Suantou sugar factory using interviews, maps and other information. Moreover, this article intends to discuss under the influences of career levels, ethnic relations, and social status, the way of life in working and living settlement they shaped.
Japan is a sugar imported nation. Therefore, when Japanese government ruled Taiwan, they tried very hard to improve the Taiwan’s sugar industry. The work done is created a better environment enticing the Japanese capitalists to invest in Taiwan’s sugar industry. Suantou sugar factory just at this time was set up. The modern sugar factory not only advanced the production of sugar, it also brought the way of life in working and living settlement into Taiwan. Suantou sugar factory is set on the Chiayi field. Before it was set up, there was noting. In order to take good care of the Japanese workers and their families, they built the dormitories near the factory. The dormitories were well-equipped, offering a full range of facilities for its residents including everything from daily meals to religious services. In the condition of needing elementary labors, the dormitories also added the living space of Taiwanese in the eastern part. The goal of this article is to present the setting and history of the Suantou sugar factory using interviews, maps and other information. Moreover, this article intends to discuss under the influences of career levels, ethnic relations, and social status, the way of life in working and living settlement they shaped.