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資料處理與分析採t 檢定、變異數分析、複迴歸、皮爾森積差相關、薛費氏事後檢定等統計方法進行統計檢定。
害知識、反菸態度、吸菸行為等變項來解釋 。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore parents’ strategies to prevent their children from smoking and to discuss the related factors. The survey was conducted in December, 2006. By using probability proportionate to size sampling method, the parents were chosen from the 8th graders in 8 junior high schools in Koushung City. Three classes were chosen from the 8th graders in 8 junior high schools , and 24 classes in total were studied. Totally, 867 parents completed their self-administered questionnaires at home. T test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation and multiple regression statistics were used to examine the correlations between parents’ background variables, knowledge about the hazard of smoking, attitudes against smoking, smoking status, and their preventive strategies. The study has found the following conclusions: 1.Parents’ knowledge about the hazard of smoking and attitudes against smoking are positively relation to their preventive strategies. 2.Compared with smokers, nonsmoking parents had more strategies to prevent their children smoking. 3.Parents’ background variables, knowledge about the hazard of smoking, attitudes against smoking and smoking status can predict their preventive strategies. Knowledge about tobacco hazard, attitudes against smoking, parenting style and smoking behavior are important predicted variables of parents’ strategies to prevent their children from smoking. 4.These nine independent variables could explain 42% variation of “nonsmoking family strategies”. From conclusions, we suggest that the parental education should emphasis on their knowledge about the hazard of smoking , their attitudes against smoking , their communication skill and decrease their smoking behavior. Additionally, we should enhance the parents’ involvement of school active and provide more channel for parents to learning.
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore parents’ strategies to prevent their children from smoking and to discuss the related factors. The survey was conducted in December, 2006. By using probability proportionate to size sampling method, the parents were chosen from the 8th graders in 8 junior high schools in Koushung City. Three classes were chosen from the 8th graders in 8 junior high schools , and 24 classes in total were studied. Totally, 867 parents completed their self-administered questionnaires at home. T test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation and multiple regression statistics were used to examine the correlations between parents’ background variables, knowledge about the hazard of smoking, attitudes against smoking, smoking status, and their preventive strategies. The study has found the following conclusions: 1.Parents’ knowledge about the hazard of smoking and attitudes against smoking are positively relation to their preventive strategies. 2.Compared with smokers, nonsmoking parents had more strategies to prevent their children smoking. 3.Parents’ background variables, knowledge about the hazard of smoking, attitudes against smoking and smoking status can predict their preventive strategies. Knowledge about tobacco hazard, attitudes against smoking, parenting style and smoking behavior are important predicted variables of parents’ strategies to prevent their children from smoking. 4.These nine independent variables could explain 42% variation of “nonsmoking family strategies”. From conclusions, we suggest that the parental education should emphasis on their knowledge about the hazard of smoking , their attitudes against smoking , their communication skill and decrease their smoking behavior. Additionally, we should enhance the parents’ involvement of school active and provide more channel for parents to learning.
高雄, 家長, 預防, 吸菸, 青少年, Koushung, parent, prevention, smoking, adolescent