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本研究旨在瞭解目前台北市高中職學生的性態度取向,進而探討性別、宗教信仰、性或色情資訊來源、學校性教育經驗、父母教育程度、父母婚姻狀況、父母感情狀況與親子關係互動等背景因素對其接觸色情媒體經驗與性態度取向的影響,以及接觸色情媒體經驗對其性態度取向的影響。 本研究以台北市6所高中及3所高職697名二年級學生為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行資料收集,所得資料以次數、百分比、集群分析、單因子變異數分析與卡方檢定等統計方法進行分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、目前高中職學生接觸色情媒體的比率約為八成五,且多數人接觸色情內容的管道是網路,接觸機會最多的是色情圖片。大多數受訪者每年接觸一兩次,是有接觸經驗中頻率最低的一個選項。主要的網路色情互動為點選色情內容,其次是搜尋與下載。男生較女生接觸頻繁,且父母感情不好的學生會比父母感情中等、好或很好的學生接觸更頻繁,而性資訊偶而或經常來自報紙、電視、廣播、雜誌、小說、漫畫、錄影帶、光碟與網路者也比從未或很少者接觸更頻繁。 二、目前高中職學生性態度取向以中間類型占最多,其次為保守取向,再其次為開放取向。中間取向:是指沒有突出的特徵與一致的傾向,其代表還處於性態度形成階段。保守取向:是指對於婚前性行為、婚外性行為有一致的保守看法,通常是以愛為前提,且有受到宗教信仰影響的。開放取向:是指通常較容許在訂婚、相愛、喜歡,不特別喜歡階段發生的性行為、贊成墮胎、兩人同意就可有任何種類的性活動,以及認為男生比女生更有性生理需要。 三、女生保守取向比男生高,男生開放取向比女生高,而有虔誠宗教信仰比沒有虔誠宗教信仰更多是保守性態度取向,且虔誠的基督教或天主教信仰比虔誠的道教或佛教或民間信仰也有更多是保守性態度取向。印象深刻的學校性教育經驗比模糊或沒教對男女生性態度取向有顯著的影響。性態度取向愈偏開放,其接觸色情媒體的樂趣經驗就會愈高,故接觸色情媒體、網路色情內容與互動式色情活動幾乎都更頻繁。 最後,針對本研究結果提出對家長、教師、政府單位之建議,並說明未來研究可努力的方向。
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationships among demographics, pornography exposure and normative orientations toward sexuality of the senior high students in Taipei City. The data was collected by paper-and-pencil questionnaires from 697 second-grade students of 9 senior high schools in Taipei City. The statistical methods used, included descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. 85.4% of senior high school students reported that they have been exposed to pornography. Internet is the main pornography channel. In the internet pornography, pornographic images are most frequently browsed by students. For most participants, the frequency of pornography exposure is once to twice a year, and it is also the lowest observed frequency. The students exposure to pornography on the internet is either browsing, searching or downloading. Boys are more frequently exposed to pornography than girls. The students who perceive their parents’ emotional relationship as bad, tend to be exposed to pornography more often than those students who perceive the parent’s emotional relationship as neutral, good or very good. For students who sometimes or always use mass media as their source of the information about sex, the likelihood of pornography exposure is higher than very little or none. 2. In terms of normative orientation toward sexuality, high school students can be divided into three clusters. The majority of students belong into middle orientation. Next comes conservative orientation, and finally libertarian orientation. 3. Cluster analysis provides additional understanding about students’ orientation toward sexuality. The girls are more conservative than the boys, and the boys are more libertarian than the girls. Additionally, Students showing high scores in religious orientation are more conservative comparing to those with low religious orientation. Comprehensive sex education at school helps students develop deep impressions about sexual life and demonstrate more traditional orientation. And finally, higher communication pleasure experience and pornography exposure can lead to a decreased conservative and increased libertarian orientations. Based on these findings, I make suggestions for parents, schools and the government and propose future research directions.



高中職學生, 色情, 性態度, 性態度取向, 性教育, 集群分析, senior high students, pornography, sexual attitude, normative orientations toward sexuality, sex education, cluster analysis





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