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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
物質資源與人力資源乃形成國力的二大要素,台灣四面環海,物質資源缺乏,因此人力資源益形重要。人力資源的開發與應用,對一個國家的社會和經濟發展影響至為深遠。美國薛爾茲(Theodore W. Shultz)教授曾根據他多年的研究結果,對於人力或教育投資在美國經濟發展上的貢獻作如下的結論:「美國制度的最大特色是人力或教育投資源急劇增多,如果少了它,大地一片艱苦,雙手工作與貧窮處處可見。」而日本經濟學家大來佐武在其所著「日本戰後經濟高度成長的原因與問題及其對新開發中的國家的啟示」一文中,曾明白指出:「日本經濟生產的潛力,乃由於國民所受教育程度,所累積的技術經驗,以及工商業者的卓越經營能力等因素而得以發揮。」由上述二氏之言,足以顯示經由教育程度以開發人力資源乃是發展國家經濟,厚植國家力量的有效途徑。亦即教育的成敗,從現階段來看,與國家整體之建設與發展具有唇齒之關係;從長遠而言,更關繫著國家民族命脈之延續,實不容輕忽。
The purpose of this study are three—folded. First, examine the present state of in—service programs for vocational high schools in R.O.C. Secondly, compare the in—service programs of R.O.C. to those of in U.S.A., the United Kingdom Japan and Germany. Third, propose an innovative in—service program for vocational high schools in R.O.C. based on the above findings. Literature review was used to investigate the conceptual changes for in—service education and the comparison of the U.S.A., the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and R.O.C. A survey using (Opinion on the vocational high school teachers’ in—service program in Taiwan)was sent out to 1399 teachers in 54 vocational high schools, throughout the country. Both x2 and percentage score were served as statistical method for data analysis. The followings are major summaries from the literature review and the survey:1.Vocational high school teachers have strong motivation to receive in—service education.2. The existing preparatory training program of vocational high school teaches emphasize professional training in education.3.Both present classification and the qualification systems facilitate vocational high teachers attending in—service program.4.In—service training for vocational high school teachers is effectively provided by the long—terms programs from colleges and graduate schools which provide credits or diplomas, or by the short—term classes by teachers center.5.Short—term in—service program should match to the need of the teachers. It should be flexible and diversable.6.The curriculum of the in—service program should emphasize the pragmatic uses in instruction.7.Vocational high school teachers express their lack opportunity to receive in—service training.8.The total or the major budget for the in—service program should be sponsored by the central government.9.Both spiritual and materialistic aspects are need to be considered. When encouraging teachers to receive in—service training. The suggestions from the abo
The purpose of this study are three—folded. First, examine the present state of in—service programs for vocational high schools in R.O.C. Secondly, compare the in—service programs of R.O.C. to those of in U.S.A., the United Kingdom Japan and Germany. Third, propose an innovative in—service program for vocational high schools in R.O.C. based on the above findings. Literature review was used to investigate the conceptual changes for in—service education and the comparison of the U.S.A., the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and R.O.C. A survey using (Opinion on the vocational high school teachers’ in—service program in Taiwan)was sent out to 1399 teachers in 54 vocational high schools, throughout the country. Both x2 and percentage score were served as statistical method for data analysis. The followings are major summaries from the literature review and the survey:1.Vocational high school teachers have strong motivation to receive in—service education.2. The existing preparatory training program of vocational high school teaches emphasize professional training in education.3.Both present classification and the qualification systems facilitate vocational high teachers attending in—service program.4.In—service training for vocational high school teachers is effectively provided by the long—terms programs from colleges and graduate schools which provide credits or diplomas, or by the short—term classes by teachers center.5.Short—term in—service program should match to the need of the teachers. It should be flexible and diversable.6.The curriculum of the in—service program should emphasize the pragmatic uses in instruction.7.Vocational high school teachers express their lack opportunity to receive in—service training.8.The total or the major budget for the in—service program should be sponsored by the central government.9.Both spiritual and materialistic aspects are need to be considered. When encouraging teachers to receive in—service training. The suggestions from the abo