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本研究旨在探討將「科學趣味競賽」教學活動,依據學習理論架構及遊戲理論,引入國中二年級(八年級)常態班的自然科教學中,對學生學習成效之影響。本研究的研究對象為新竹市某國中六班二年級學生,實驗組的學生人數為78人,控制組的學生人數為140人,進行實驗組實施「科學趣味競賽」教學活動,控制組未實施此活動的實驗教學二個月。學習成效的影響以量的分析為主,質的分析為輔。量的分析方面,以自然科學習態度量表、自然科成就測驗(一)(二)等工具評量,所得資料進行統計作 t 考驗或共變數分析。質的分析方面,以自評互評表、科學趣味競賽意見調查表作輔助,共同考驗。本研究的主要結果為:(一)「科學趣味競賽」教學活動有助於學生學習態度的增進,在「學習自然科的信心」、「學習自然科的興趣」及「學習自然科的信念」方面,實驗組學生皆顯著優於控制組學生。(二)在「自然科成就測驗」的分數上,實驗組學生與控制組學生並無顯著差異。 (三)「科學趣味競賽」的教學活動,對不同學習成就的學生的影響沒有差異。根據以上發現,研究者歸納提出一些教學及未來研究上的建議。
The purposes of this study was to examine the effect and influences of 『Interesting Scientific Competition』by learning cycle to introduce to scientific instructions for eighth-grade normal students upon the students’ attitude, interest of study. The researcher designed『Interesting Scientific Competition』instructions which was based on playing theory and learning theory. There were 6 eighth-grade homogeneous classes that were sampled to be the subjects. Two of Them were assigned to be the experimental group that received 『Interesting Scientific Competition』instructions while the other four classes were control group that didn’t . The instruments developed and used in the study were (1) the Test of Learning Attitude in Science Learning that including confidence, interest and belief sub-instrument, (2) the Test of Science Achievement [1] and [2]. The statistical methods were analyzed to test their significant. The results have shown that (1) the experiment group had significant differences on total attitude, confidence, interest and belief of learning science, (2) there was no significant differences on achievements tests, (3) there was no significant differences on the effect and influences for the different achievements’ students. Based on the above discoveries, the researchers conclude with a few proposals on teaching/learning and further study.
The purposes of this study was to examine the effect and influences of 『Interesting Scientific Competition』by learning cycle to introduce to scientific instructions for eighth-grade normal students upon the students’ attitude, interest of study. The researcher designed『Interesting Scientific Competition』instructions which was based on playing theory and learning theory. There were 6 eighth-grade homogeneous classes that were sampled to be the subjects. Two of Them were assigned to be the experimental group that received 『Interesting Scientific Competition』instructions while the other four classes were control group that didn’t . The instruments developed and used in the study were (1) the Test of Learning Attitude in Science Learning that including confidence, interest and belief sub-instrument, (2) the Test of Science Achievement [1] and [2]. The statistical methods were analyzed to test their significant. The results have shown that (1) the experiment group had significant differences on total attitude, confidence, interest and belief of learning science, (2) there was no significant differences on achievements tests, (3) there was no significant differences on the effect and influences for the different achievements’ students. Based on the above discoveries, the researchers conclude with a few proposals on teaching/learning and further study.
科學遊戲, 遊戲教學, 學習態度, science play, play-based teaching, learning attitude