
dc.contributor.authorKuo-Tung Tsengen_US
dc.description.abstract傳統教練單憑直覺、經驗評斷比賽勝負的因素,現今透過系統觀察紀錄,提供教練客觀數據、可靠的訊息之下,使教練在臨場指導、賽後檢討、訓練評估做出正確的決策,同時提供有效的回饋。研究目的:探討籃球比賽過程中得分方式、進攻型態、進攻型態與得分方式之關係、攻守轉換時間之運用。方法:觀察紀錄2010瓊斯盃國際籃球邀請賽男子組,共計21場賽事。結論:1.得分方式,禁區為比賽中最主要的得分方式,佔整體投籃次數五成,顯著高於三分球與中距。另外,在三分球命中率與中距離命中率未有明顯差異,使得三分球投籃次數顯著高於中距離,顯示禁區攻防在比賽中扮演重要、關鍵的角色。中華隊得分方式以三分球投籃次數最高,其次為禁區,與其他各隊迥然不同。2.組織進攻在比賽中次數最高,顯著高於快攻與快打戰術。近年強調快打戰術,命中率與組織進攻未有顯著差異,快攻仍是命中率最高、最有效率的進攻型態,且下半場快攻次數顯著高於上半場。3.快攻得分方式以禁區為主,快打戰術則以禁區與三分球皆為主要的得分方式,同時三分球命中率在快打戰術時最高。4.籃球攻守轉換朝向短時間、快速發展,在2秒內完成攻守轉命中率顯著高於轉換時間2秒以上。動態紀錄呈現比賽中豐富的內容,瞭解行為決策的過程,對單一球隊的分析是瞭解各隊特色、球風,作為對戰策略的方法。 比賽的結束是時間的結束卻是資料建立的開始,透過詳實的動態紀錄分析、檢討與回饋,提供重要的訊息,指引明確的方向,讓國內籃球朝向新的里程碑。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the past, a coach gauged the game-winning and game-losing factors based on intuition and experience. At present, a coach is offered objective and reliable data via dynamically observed system, which allows him or her make appropriate decisions and give efficient feedbacks while on-the-scene coaching, after-game evaluation, and training estimation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the scoring type, offence pattern, and offence transition time in a basketball game. The methodology adopted in this study was to observe and record the 21 games in the 33rd William Jones’ Cup International Basketball Tournament (men event). The conclusions are: (1) Painted area shooting was the most common way in scoring type, which had above 50 percent of the total shooting amount, significantly higher than three-point shots and perimeter shots. Furthermore, the three-point shooting average showed very little difference with perimeter shots scoring rate, to bring about the three-point shots higher than perimeter shots significantly, which revealed the painted area played the leading and crucial rolein a game. Note that the scoring type of Chinese Taipei team was mainly the three-point shooting followed by the painted area shooting, which differed from all the other teams. (2) Set offence took place most often in a game, significantly higher than fast break and secondary fast break. Recently, the secondary fast break has been emphasized in the basketball games, but the shooting average of the secondary fast break was not found significantly higher than that of the set offence. Fast break was the most effective offence pattern, the number of fast break in the second half game was higher than the first half. (3)For the relationship between scoring type and offence pattern, painted area was mainly the scoring type in fast break, both three point shots and painted area were crucial to the secondary fast break. The shooting average of three point shot was the highest in the secondary fast break. (4) For the transition offence time, under 2 sec transition time had the highest shooting average. Dynamical system offered abundant information in basketball game analysis, and the single team analysis uncovers the team character and style to design the tactic strategy for the games. The game ends when time is up, but it is also time to start data building. By way of dynamical analysis, post-game evaluation and feedback offered crucial information for future improvement, and would lead the Taiwanese basketball towards a new milestone in the years to come.en_US
dc.subjectWilliam Jones’ Cupen_US
dc.subjectscoring typeen_US
dc.subjectoffence patternen_US
dc.subjecttransition offence timeen_US
dc.titleThe road to Success for Bench Coach: Dynamic Analysis of Offence Tactic and Strategy in Basketball.en_US

