

  本研究探討懷舊廣告中的訊息結構和訊息順序對懷舊廣告態度的影響,分別以混合式情緒的兩個理論-對立效果及順序效果與認知需求的互動關係-討論懷舊廣告的說服效果,以彌補過去研究著重在單一情感訴求說服效果之不足。由於懷舊情緒具有苦中帶甜的本質,符合混合式情緒的本質,故本研究在情感整合的架構下,觀察單一情感訊息結構與混合情感訊息結構孰優孰劣;此外,本研究也觀察在混合情感訊息下,認知需求不同的消費者對於先苦後甜或先甜後苦的訊息順序,哪一種會得到較佳的情感反應。   本研究採取三因子階層式設計,三因子分別為懷舊廣告訊息結構、懷舊廣告訊息順序及認知需求,前兩項透過實驗設計操弄,而認知需求是以衡量的方式進行,了解消費者對於懷舊廣告的態度。研究結果發現與過去文獻不相符,消費者對於混合情感訊息結構未必比單一情感訊息結構產生較佳的情感反應,消費者對於完全正面的情感訊息會產生最佳的廣告態度,先甜後苦及先苦後甜等混合式情感訊息次之,消費者對於完全負面的情感訊息產生最差的廣告態度。此外,本研究也發現在混合情感訊息的架構下,消費者的認知需求與訊息順序並無發生互動作用,亦即無論消費者的認知需求高低如何,對於先苦後甜的懷舊廣告比先甜後苦的懷舊廣告會產生較佳的廣告態度,與研究預設不符。
This study discussed two questions about nostalgic ads: the message structure and the message order. The author uses two theories related to mixed emotions to investigate the persuasive effect of nostalgic ads: contrast effects and the interaction between order effect and need for cognition. Due to the innate bittersweet nature of nostalgia, corresponding to that of mixed emotions, this study discusses whether the message structure of pure emotions or mixed emotions will result better. In addition, this study also discusses how consumers with different need for cognition will react to bitter-sweet and sweet-bitter nostalgia ads. The study uses three factors hierarchical designs, including the message structure of nostalgic ads, the message order of nostalgic ads, and need for cognition. Through the manipulation of the experiment, we can understand how these factors influence consumers’ attitude towards ad (Aad). The findings are that the message structure of mixed emotions is not necessarily better than that of pure emotions. Consumers have the best Aad in pure positive message structure, mixed emotions in the next place, and pure negative structure the last. Moreover, this study finds that beneath the message structure of mixed emotions, whether consumers’ need for cognition is high or low, bitter-sweet nostalgia ads will get better Aad than sweet-bitter nostalgia ads.



懷舊廣告, 混合式情緒, 對立效果, 順序效果, nostalgic ads, mixed emotions, contrast effects, order effects





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