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馬爾科姆・艾爾徹( Malcolm Archer, b. 1952 ) 為英國當代作曲家,艾爾徹的《安魂曲》( Requiem ) 是根據佛瑞( Gabriel Urbain Faure, 1845-1924 ) 的《安 魂曲》為藍圖,並於一九九二年完成創作。艾爾徹的《安魂曲》編制為女高音 獨唱、男中音獨唱、混聲合唱,並搭配管風琴伴奏;全曲包含七個樂章:《進 堂曲與垂憐曲》( Introit and Kyrie )、《奉獻曲》( Offertory )、《歡呼歌》 ( Sanctus )、《慈悲耶穌》( Pie Jesu )、《羔羊讚》( Agnus Dei )、《上 主,求祢拯救》( Libera Me, Domine )和《進入天國》( In Paradisum )。
Malcolm Archer (b. 1952) is a contemporary British composer, he has composed "Requiem" and completed it in 1992, based on “Requiem” composed by Gabriel Faure (1845-1924). Archer’s “Requiem” was composed with a soprano solo, a baritone solo and mixed chorus with organ. The entire work includes seven movements: "Introit and Kyrie", "Offertory", "Sanctus", "Pie Jesu", "Agnus Dei", "Libera Me, Domine" and " In Paradisum" . The compositional structure of each movement in the entire work is analyzed in this thesis. The composer’s entire life and the background in which Archer composed his music was researched. Through the actual rehearsal and performance of the entire work, Archer's “Requiem” was understood more comprehensively by the conductor. At present, there is no record of the performance of this work in Taiwan. I hope I am able to share some information with conductors through this thesis, and to contribute and promote in the field of choral music and conducting studies.
Malcolm Archer (b. 1952) is a contemporary British composer, he has composed "Requiem" and completed it in 1992, based on “Requiem” composed by Gabriel Faure (1845-1924). Archer’s “Requiem” was composed with a soprano solo, a baritone solo and mixed chorus with organ. The entire work includes seven movements: "Introit and Kyrie", "Offertory", "Sanctus", "Pie Jesu", "Agnus Dei", "Libera Me, Domine" and " In Paradisum" . The compositional structure of each movement in the entire work is analyzed in this thesis. The composer’s entire life and the background in which Archer composed his music was researched. Through the actual rehearsal and performance of the entire work, Archer's “Requiem” was understood more comprehensively by the conductor. At present, there is no record of the performance of this work in Taiwan. I hope I am able to share some information with conductors through this thesis, and to contribute and promote in the field of choral music and conducting studies.
艾爾徹, 安魂曲, 指揮詮釋, Malcolm Archer, Requiem, conducting interpretation