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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Human Development and Family Studies
National Taiwan Normal University Department of Human Development and Family Studies
本研究旨在探討女性幼教人員參加八次生涯規劃團體的追蹤輔導效果,本研究以十六位幼教 人員爲對象,採等組前後測實驗設計,研究工具爲「生涯規劃行爲量表」及「單元回饋表」,團體在每次單元結束時填寫「單元回饋表」,單元回饋表可以分爲「單 元回饋等第」評量,以及成員的「活動心得和感想」兩個部分。團體結束後,追蹤第一個月、第三個月、第六個月、第九個月及第十二個月。在實驗效果上以共變數 分析,而單元回饋表則以歸納、整理的方式進行資料分析。研究結果發現:生涯規劃團體,除了第六個月「生涯了解」、「生涯規劃行爲總分」有顯著外,其餘每個 階段的追蹤,實驗組的「生涯自信」皆優於拉制組。而在單元回饋等第上,團體單元回饋評量表各題項的平均數均在3.60以上,尤其是團體開始時所填寫的「對 於團體所訂定的規則,我…」的平均數更高達4.75,表示活動內容能達到活動的目標;而成員從單元活動的心得和感想的回饋中,也都表示能從活動中獲得成 長,表示成員對團體課程有正面的評價。
The purpose of the study aimed at investigating the effects of eight-unit career-planning group training program on sixteen female kindergarten teachers. In the training program, a pre-test and a post-test were separately conducted before and after each unit of training; and a one-year follow-up investigation was carried out, including five follow-ups done after the first, third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth months of the whole training program. To attain this goal, the researcher employed an experimental approach, evenly dividing these sixteen subjects into two groups, one experimental group and one control group. A "Career-planning Behavior" survey and a "Unit-feedback" form were used to collect data for research. In each follow-up, all the subjects were to fill in a "Unit-feedback" form, which involved two parts-rating scale and feedback on the training. The data collected from the "Career-planning Behavior" survey were analyzed by means of covariance for investigating the effects of the experimental design. The data collected from the "Unit-feedback" form were classified and then analyzed for detecting the significance of the subjects' response. The findings of the study included: There were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on "Career understanding," and "Career-planning Behavior" on the sixth month follow-up. Except the first finding, the "Career confidence" of the experimental group was better than that of the control group on each follow-up stage. The mean of every item on the "Unit-feedback" form was over 3.60; above all, the mean of the item 'I feel…on the rules made by the group' was 4.75, which showed that the goal of the training program was reached and that all subjects felt positive toward and benefited from the program. Based on the findings of the study, some recommendations were provided for the policy decision-making of the government.
The purpose of the study aimed at investigating the effects of eight-unit career-planning group training program on sixteen female kindergarten teachers. In the training program, a pre-test and a post-test were separately conducted before and after each unit of training; and a one-year follow-up investigation was carried out, including five follow-ups done after the first, third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth months of the whole training program. To attain this goal, the researcher employed an experimental approach, evenly dividing these sixteen subjects into two groups, one experimental group and one control group. A "Career-planning Behavior" survey and a "Unit-feedback" form were used to collect data for research. In each follow-up, all the subjects were to fill in a "Unit-feedback" form, which involved two parts-rating scale and feedback on the training. The data collected from the "Career-planning Behavior" survey were analyzed by means of covariance for investigating the effects of the experimental design. The data collected from the "Unit-feedback" form were classified and then analyzed for detecting the significance of the subjects' response. The findings of the study included: There were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on "Career understanding," and "Career-planning Behavior" on the sixth month follow-up. Except the first finding, the "Career confidence" of the experimental group was better than that of the control group on each follow-up stage. The mean of every item on the "Unit-feedback" form was over 3.60; above all, the mean of the item 'I feel…on the rules made by the group' was 4.75, which showed that the goal of the training program was reached and that all subjects felt positive toward and benefited from the program. Based on the findings of the study, some recommendations were provided for the policy decision-making of the government.