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本研究主要從中國威權主義下,支配自鄧小平之後幾代領導人所遵行鞏固黨的執政地位與獲得統治合法性為基本行動邏輯切入,重點式考察自改革開放以來,中共作為威權政體,如何主導中國政治經濟及網路傳媒發展。隨後進入中國視頻網站領域,探討中共如何藉由相關法規條例牽動傳媒市場,並嚴格執行宣傳紀律的種種審查與監控手法,以理解中共制定攸關視頻網站管制措施之來龍去脈與前因後果,最後探究在此政經結構中發展成形的視頻網站如何回應中國政府管制,甚至尋求突破政治與經濟限制等因素,進而實踐影視商品之交換價值,期望透過本研究分析,彰顯中國視頻網站發展中的問題,以期追求公平、合理民主的網路使用環境。 研究發現視頻網站在中共政治權威統治下,為避免遭受中國政府施以如強制關站與刑事責任等嚴厲管制措施,盡可能在各方面服從中國政府的政治需求,而刻意壓制網民發言權力與其自主發展的空間。其次,在國家力量崛起和功利主義生存邏輯凸顯局勢下,視頻網站最終走向自覺為國家服務的一種定音,視頻網站重度依賴合併及廣告與行銷手法已實踐交換價值,導致網站缺乏多元性,商品傾向同質化,致使多樣性受到傷害,嚴重危害自由媒體理念。
This research examines the brief development history of how Communist Party of China as authoritarian regime governs the development of the society and the Internet in China from 1978, and then in the video websites’ field, explore how Communist Party of China affect the market of the video websites by regulations. Finally, this research explores how the video websites react to these regulations. Further, through exploring the problems of the video websites in China, this research seeks to provide some suggestions to improve Internet use of the video websites’ environment. This research explores that for the one thing, the websites confront server control by government, such as being shut down by the government. In order to prevent these restrains, the video websites do their best to follow the rules which the government enact, such as all of websites have to delete all the videos which include anti-government, anti-social, sexual, and so on. For the other thing, almost video websites gain profit from advertisement and merger to add exchange value. This way causes these websites lack diversity. Consequently, between political and economy power, the video website have little autonomy to produce the critical and profound content in China.



威權主義, 視頻網站, 交換價值, Authoritarianism, The Video Websites, Exchange value





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