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摘要 本研究旨在於探討臺北市托兒所主題教學認知與實踐歷程。以質性研究取向,立意取樣選取臺北市托兒所教保人員八名,進行深度訪談;再以相關文獻及文件分析進行三角交叉驗證,最後以紮根理論,進行歸納分析。所得研究結論如下: 一、教保人員在於主題教學認知之深化方面,對於主題教學內涵理解不足與容易將主題與單元教學混同。 二、教保人員對於主題教學實踐之積極性方面,對於主題教學虛擬情境之陳設不足;設計主題課程內涵之跨領域未完整;且課程安排之彈性不夠;再則在教學技術之活化需加強;另社區資源之運用亦較少。 三、教保人員知能學習管道之多元性應提升。 四、教保人員對於教學過程的認知和反思是不足的。 本研究最後,根據所得結論針對幼教工作人員、園所、相關政府單位以及教材編輯廠提出建議,亦針對研究限制與方法、對象以及未來研究提出建議。 關鍵字:教保人員、主題教學、實踐
Abstract This research is for the purpose in exploring the Taipei Nursery Worker whose profession in thematic teaching. By the qualitative research, the depth interviews are conduct to a sample of eight child care workers in the Taipei City. The data is analyzed on the base of grounded theory. The finding is as follows: 1. Knowledge and skill of the Child Care Worker needs to polish in order to differentiate the thematic teaching and the unit teaching. 2. Child Care Worker regarding the practice of thematic teaching, such as the enthusiastic aspect, the arrangement of teaching environment needs to be upgrade. Furthermore, insufficiency regarding thematic teaching hypothesized situation; thematic curriculum planning across the leaning domain not completes. Moreover, it is necessary to employment the teaching technology and mobilizes the community resources in order to advance the thematic teaching in the kindergarten. 3. Child Care Workers need to empower their teaching profession in general and thematic teaching in particular in a variety of ways. 4. Child Care Worker needs to conduct reflection on teaching profession. Finally, we offer some suggests that might help for the local government, kindergarten, and the preschool educational staff the garden and the commercial teaching materials providers to devote themselves to promotion of thematic teaching. Also, the topics regards to theme immersion and method are suggested for the future research. Keywords: Child Care Worker, thematic teaching, Praxis.



教保人員, 主題教學, 實踐, Child Care Worker, thematic teaching, Praxis





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