
dc.contributorYu Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract中 文 摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解大學僑生在校的生活與學業適應成功的基本要素,聚焦在大學僑生留台生涯中所經歷的各種課業學習、文化衝突、生活經驗、社群活動以及個人正向調適與復原的歷程。採用質性研究方法,依據半結構訪談大綱導引,了解大學僑生初來台灣時所面臨種種適應上的困擾,到目前在課業、生活等成功適應的歷程,再深入探究成功適應大學僑生心理社會發展的內涵;了解大學僑生的適應困擾及其影響因素;以及歸納出大學僑生正向發展與達到成功適應的歷程。最後根據研究發現與結論,提出大學僑生相關輔導策略的建議。 本研究採質性訪談方式,對象以北部地區公私立大學在學僑生為主,首先請每校僑生輔導單位依立意選項標準篩選出十名僑生,大致符合入學之初適應困難到目前成功適應之案例,再施予「大學生心理社會測驗量表」以及「MBTI人格特質量表」,從中擇優選取六位為研究參與者,進行深入訪談研究。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、成功適應之大學僑生心理社會發展的內涵:歸納出成功適應的僑生在心理社會發展的六個向度有下列特點:(一)隨年級成長,增進學習技巧,逐漸培養成各項求學發展能力。(二)人格類型較外向者,願意走入群體接納他人,情緒管理能力較佳。(三)在學校受照顧較差者,顯現比較良好的獨立性發展。(四)為生活適應與課業學習,能建立比較成熟的人際網路。(五)能明確的認同多元文化,但外貌的不同影響自我認定。(六)、學習合於興趣者有明確的目標,但與父母期望不同者則較猶豫。 二、大學的生活適應及其影響因素,歸納出影響僑生適應的因素:(一)來自家庭「父母期許適中」、「經濟支援適當」的僑生適應困擾比較小。(二)來自家庭經濟支援較少者,生活與求學的壓力較大。(三)課業學習造成適應困擾的影響因素最為普遍且多樣化。(四)語言不流暢不僅造成課業學習的困擾也影響到人際網絡的建立。(五)大部分只喜歡參與僑生所組成的社團,遇到困難求助對象也以僑生為主。(六)遇到文化適應困擾時,是以「接納、融入本地文化」的方式來適應。(七)在生理上感到比較困擾的是台灣的「飲食的烹調方式」與「氣候的特殊性」。(八)造成心理的困擾因素以「想家」的最多,其次是「交友感情」的問題。各種因素環環相扣相互牽連,不同的僑居地及不同的人格特質,深深地影響著不同問題的顯現程度。 三、大學僑生成功適應的歷程:成功適應的僑生面對生活適應問題都能採取積極正向的因應,在追求適應成功的過程中,在他們身上找出了以下共同的元素:(一)家庭適當的期許與支持。(二)妥善的經濟管理能力。(三)有效的課業學習策略。(四)多元語言學習與表達能力。(五)熱衷參與社團社群關係和諧。(六)接納與融合多元文化。(七)調整生活習慣以求生理的復元。(八)多方尋求心靈的調適與慰藉以等。求助對象多元以僑聯會、僑居地的學長姊及學校僑輔組為主。與本地生的同儕人際互動,則透過彼此的相互尊重、同理、接納與寬容。 四、改善輔導策略協助僑生成功適應:依據研究發現與結論:(一)提出建立健全的僑生輔導工作人員與制度。(二)應用正向心理學的原理原則到僑生輔導工作上。(三)提昇僑生復原力以因應逆境的挑戰。(四)改善僑生輔導策略以幫助大學僑生成功發展與適應等四個策略。 關鍵字:大學僑生、心理社會發展、成功適應zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Qualitative Study of Overseas Chinese University Students’ Process of Successful Adaptation Abstract The study intends to uncover the basic prerequisites overseas Chinese university students require to successfully adapt themselves to campus life and studies. It focuses on academic learning in various areas, cultural conflicts, life experiences, group activities, and the process of individual positive coping and recuperation undergone by overseas Chinese university students during their stay in Taiwan. A qualitative method is used to understand various adaptation-related problems these students encounter upon their arrival in Taiwan and their successful adaptation to studies and life etc. based on guidance in the outline of semi-structural interviews. The connotations of the psychosocial development of students who have successfully adapted are further investigated to understand the problems regarding these students’ adaptation, their influencing factors and to sum up their positive development and the process of successful adaptation. Finally, suggestions to counseling strategies concerning these students are made based on the findings and conclusions of the study. Qualitative interviews were used in the study targeting overseas Chinese students at public and private universities in northern Taiwan. First, the counseling office for overseas Chinese students of each university, in accordance with purposive sampling criteria, selected ten overseas Chinese students who generally fit the description of required cases, i.e., initial difficulties in adaptation and successful adaptation at present. The ten students were each given a psychosocial test for university students and a MBTI personality inventory. Six thereof were selected for further interviews. Major findings are described as follows: 1. Connotations of the psychosocial development of overseas Chinese university students who have successfully adapted: The following characteristics are concluded regarding the six dimensions of the psychosocial development of such students. (1) Learning skills improve as the grade level increases and students gradually develop various schooling abilities. (2) Students with an extroverted personality are willing to become part of a group, accept others and display a better ability to manage their emotions. (3) Students who receive less care at school show better independent development. (4) Students can establish a more mature interpersonal network for the purpose of adaptation to life and academic learning. (5) Students can distinctly identify with diverse cultures although differences in appearance affect their self-recognition. (6) Students whose studies meet their interest have clear goals while those whose studies differ from what their parents expect are more hesitant. 2. Adaptation to university life and its influential factors: Factors that influence overseas Chinese students’ adaptation are concluded as follows: (1) Students from families where parents have moderate expectations and provide appropriate financial support have less adaptation problems. (2) Students with less financial support from their families experience more pressure from life and studies. (3) Influential factors of adaptation problems resulting from academic learning are most common and diverse. (4) Language barriers not only lead to problems concerning academic learning, but also influence the establishment of an interpersonal network. (5) Most students only like to join clubs organized by overseas Chinese students and seek help mainly from fellow overseas Chinese students when they encounter difficulties. (6) Students seek to adapt themselves by means of an acceptance and assimilation in local cultures when they encounter problems regarding cultural adaptation. (7) Physiologically, students tend to have problems with Taiwanese cooking style and climatic particularities. (8) Factors that lead to psychological problems are first homesickness, followed by friendship and relationship. These different factors are interconnected and mutually affected. Different countries of residence and personalities have a profound effect on the manifestation of different problems. 3. Overseas Chinese university students’ process of successful adaptation: Students who have successfully adapted adopt a proactive and positive attitude in response to problems regarding adaptation to life. Common elements are evident in the process of pursuing successful adaptation. (1) Appropriate expectations and support from their families. (2) Adequate ability of financial management. (3) Effective academic learning strategies. (4) Diverse abilities of language learning and expression. (5) Enthusiasm in joining clubs and harmonious social relations. (6) Acceptance of and assimilation to diverse cultures. (7) Adjustment of living habits for physiological recovery. (8) The pursuit of psychological coping and consolation by various means. Sources of support are mainly senior schoolmates in overseas Chinese student unions or those from the same countries of residence and counseling offices for overseas Chinese students at universities. Their interpersonal interactions with local peers are through mutual respect, empathy, acceptance and tolerance. 4. Improved counseling strategies for helping overseas Chinese students successfully adapt: There are four strategies. (1) Provide competent counseling personnel and establish a sound system for overseas Chinese students. (2) Apply theories and principles of positive psychology to counseling for overseas Chinese students. (3) Enhance students’ ability of recovery for coping with the challenges of adversity. (4) Improve counseling strategies for overseas Chinese students to help overseas Chinese university students successfully develop and adapt. Key words: Overseas Chinese University Students, Psychosocial Development, Successful Adaptationen_US
dc.subjectOverseas Chinese University Studentsen_US
dc.subjectPsychosocial Developmenten_US
dc.subjectSuccessful Adaptationen_US
dc.titleA Qualitative Study of Overseas Chinese University Students’ Process of Successful Adaptationen_US

