

後現代主義本身就是一種既模糊、曖昧不清又高度複雜的文化,它源起於一九五○年代英美的文學研究,興起於一九六○年代的建築設計,並盛行於一九八○年代社會人文的研究。哈山(Ihab Hassan)認為後現代主義具有十一項的多元特性:不確定性、分裂性、非神聖化、無自我性、無深度性、不可呈現性、不可表象性、反諷、雜交、狂歡性、表演性及參與性 、構成主義、內在性,其中的不確定性可說涵蓋了後現代主義種種複雜的特徵;從不確定性,我們可以看到後現代文化中那種瘋狂的、反叛的、瓦解傳統的巨大力量,而這股力量在各個層面還持續運作著,特別是後現代創作所追求的「變」字,由此所衍生出的不確定性時常隱身於設計作品當中。而當科技的進步使電腦成為不可或缺的設計工具,致使類似複雜、重疊與碎片式拼貼等設計方式變得容易後,更使後現代不確定性的特質經常表現在數位影像設計上。 本研究藉由「後現代的不確定性」之文獻研究,從後現代的起源、特性、學者眼中的混沌美學到後現代的平面設計新浪潮,對應此新浪潮設計作品中所呈現之後現代不確定性的分析,推演至數位影像的設計創作應用。在設計創作中,以「時間‧印象」系列影像創作為主題,藉由六大子題:時光、記憶、命運、哈囉/再見、時間運行、分秒瞬間,運用後現代設計中常見如攝影氛圍、模糊不明確性、解構與拼貼、破碎不連續性、複雜重疊、無定形構圖與抽象等表現手法,混合交錯使用,呈現出數位影像創作中不確定性混沌美的設計。
Post-modernism is in itself an ambiguous, highly complicated culture. It originated in the studies of English and American literature in the 1950s, flourished in the architectural design in the 1960s and prevailed in the studies of Humanism in the 1980s. According to Ihab Hassan's point of view, post-modernism encompasses eleven diverse characteristics- Indeterminacy, frabmentation , decanonization , selflessness , Depthlessness, The unpresentable , Unrepresentable, Irony, Hybridization, Carnivallization, Perfomance, Participation, Constructionism, and Immanence. From the characteristic of Uncertainty, we can see the crazy, disobedient and the immense power that can overturn everything of Post-modernism. This kind of power is still influential in every aspect. What post-modernism is looking for is "change." Therefore, everything will definitely show its uncertainty whenever it is in a changeable and moving state. It is not uncommon to find the uncertainty of Post-modernism in the digital image design. The research is nurtured by the statements and thoughts of the Post-modern theorists. The research ranges from the Post-modern origin, characteristics, and the chaos of arts in scholars' point of view to Post-modern graphic design new wave. In addition, corresponding to the analysis of Post-modern uncertainty in the design art works, the research extends to the creation and application of the digital image design. Based upon a series of image creation, the topic of this thesis is “Time& Impression.” By means of the six subtopics like time, memory, fate, hello/goodbye, the passage of time, and the moment, my research is aimed to unify and practice the seven techniques of photographic atmosphere, ambiguous uncertainty, deconstruction and collage,fragment and discontinuity,complexity and overlap, unformed, drawing and abstraction and therefore expresses the ambiguous beauty of the Post-modern uncertainty.



後現代主義, 不確定性, 數位影像設計, 後現代平面設計, post-modernism, uncertainty, digital image design, post-modern graphic design





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