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為了因應108課綱的推行,加上現代智慧科技的發展,本研究設計兩種不同主題的智慧型手機融入探究式課程,第一種為利用手機測量球撞擊地面的恢復係數,第二種同樣利用手機觀察與測量聲音共振的現象,並於兩次課程的前後進行試題測驗,探討兩次課程對學生的科學探究能力的影響程度。試題測驗對象除了本研究設計課程授課之學生,亦包涵其他高中一年級班級之學生,且根據特色課程的教學模式進行以下分組:有進行智慧科技教學模式的38位學生,稱為智慧科技組;沒有進行智慧科技教學模式的72位學生,稱為無智慧科技組;智慧科技組再分為有進行探究式教學的19位學生,稱為探究組;以及沒有進行探究式教學的19位學生,稱為無探究組。 試題指標參考十二年國民基本教育自然科學領域課程綱要的兩項探究能力(思考智能與問題解決)所包含的八個子項,進行分析瞭解不同教學模式對學生探究能力的影響:1.比較執行或不執行智慧科技教學模式,探討智慧科技教學模式是否有助於提升探究能力;2.同樣進行智慧科技教學的環境下,探討執行或不執行探究式教學模式對探究能力的影響;3.將無智慧科技組的試題結果作為一般高中生的探究能力標準,探討本研究課程設計對學生探究能力的變化。 從分析結果中得到智慧科技教學模式有助於提升「批判思辨」及「建立模型」兩項探究能力。同樣進行智慧科技教學的環境下,進行探究式教學模式有助於提升「計畫與執行」、「分析與發現」、「討論與傳達」三項探究能力,且多數學生對於利用智慧型手機進行實作表示新鮮有趣,也體會到如何善用智慧型產品作為學習科學的工具之一。
Two designed teaching subjects, restitution coefficient and sound resonance, were implanted into a first-year high-school physics course, and the inquiry-based learning method is adopted for teaching. The two subjects have utilized the physics-related APP of smart devices for learning practices in the classroom. This research was conducted in a local high school in Taipei City. A group of students taught by the inquiry method with smart devices is called test group (TG), and the other group treated with traditional way is called comparison group (CG). “Thinking Ability” and “Problem Solving” are two inquiry abilities that defined in the Science Curriculum of 12-years Basic Education. There are eight dimensions to fulfill the requirement of these two inquiries and these eight dimensions were used to characterize and analyze the learning results in TG and CG groups. The results show that teaching utilizing the APPs of smart devices helps students in “Critical Thinking” and “Modeling”. Inquiry method involves smart devices can improve students’ abilities in “Planning and Implementation”, “Analysis and Discovery” and “Discussion and Communication”. Most students expressed a high interest in learning physics by using the APPs of smart devices, and smart devices do have a positive influence on students’ learning in the regular classroom.



十二年國民基本教育, 自然科學領域課程綱要, 探究與實作, 手機APP, Science Curriculum of 12-years Basic Education, Inquiry and Practice, APP





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