建置Time Lapse探究式學習工具---科學教師學習及應用Web2.0提升教學效能之研究
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建置Time Lapse 探究式學習工具:科學教師學習及應用Web2.0 提升教學效能之研究 「一沙一世界」是在顯微鏡下觀察大自然現象的空間變化;另外,「一瞬間一世界」則指大 自然現象藉由Time Lapse 來觀察時間上的變化。「一瞬間一世界」可以是由瞬間動作放慢來 觀察,也可以是由一世(長時間)的變化轉換成瞬間來觀察。換句話說,當下無法感知大自 然在時間變化上的現象,可以藉用Time Lapse 的方式來觀察。如此Time Lapse 對物理、生物 等大自然現象可以活現化,對學生可以增加眼見為信的科學探究。本研究基於此概念,將發 展Time Lapse Web2.0 的平台,培訓教師不僅會使用這個平台的Time Lapse 現有教材,引導 及鷹架學生探究、解釋自然現象,也要培訓自然科教師應用Web2.0 的平台,編輯新的Time Lapse 的探究教材。如此本計畫所衍生的教材可以不斷增加,自然科教師也將有更多教材可 以運用於教學。 本研究除了建置Time Lapse Web2.0 平台外,也要對此平台的功能進行形成性與總結性評量, 以確保平台的效益。當然,對學生應用此平台作探究解釋的能力增長,也是本研究必須探討 的。期望本研究可以在資訊融入教學中作出一點的貢獻。
Build Time-Lapses video as the learning tools for science inquiry: Scientific teachers enhance teaching effectiveness by learning and applying web2.0. “To see a world in a grain of sand.” The spatial changes of natural phenomena are observed through a microscope. “Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.” The technology of Time Lapse makes it possible to capture images at a higher or lower rate of speed. In other words, heretofore unseeable details of the natural phenomena can be observed through Time Lapse. Therefore, Time Lapse can make biological and physical phenomena lively visualized, also enhance the belief that seeing is believing. Based on the concept, the purpose of the study is to develop a Time Lapse web2.0 platform and provide training for teachers to make use of the current materials of the platform. Besides, the teachers are also expected to scaffold student to process inquiry learning and scientific reasoning. As a result Time Lapse platform will generate more and more materials in science for teachers through the editing function. Formative evaluations and summative evaluations will be conducted to examine the effectiveness of the platform. The learning outcomes of students will also be assessed. The study may contribute to integrate information technology into teaching methods.
Build Time-Lapses video as the learning tools for science inquiry: Scientific teachers enhance teaching effectiveness by learning and applying web2.0. “To see a world in a grain of sand.” The spatial changes of natural phenomena are observed through a microscope. “Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour.” The technology of Time Lapse makes it possible to capture images at a higher or lower rate of speed. In other words, heretofore unseeable details of the natural phenomena can be observed through Time Lapse. Therefore, Time Lapse can make biological and physical phenomena lively visualized, also enhance the belief that seeing is believing. Based on the concept, the purpose of the study is to develop a Time Lapse web2.0 platform and provide training for teachers to make use of the current materials of the platform. Besides, the teachers are also expected to scaffold student to process inquiry learning and scientific reasoning. As a result Time Lapse platform will generate more and more materials in science for teachers through the editing function. Formative evaluations and summative evaluations will be conducted to examine the effectiveness of the platform. The learning outcomes of students will also be assessed. The study may contribute to integrate information technology into teaching methods.