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1. 台北市國民中學一年級健康與體育領域任課教師目前仍有8.1﹪的教師未曾參加九年一貫課程研習。
2. 台北市國民中學均已依規定籌組「課程發展委員會」及「健康與體育領域課程研究小組」。
3. 台北市國民中學一年級健康與體育領域任課教師對九年一貫課程已有相當程度的瞭解,但其對九年一貫課程的態度介於「無意見」至「同意」之間,並對現行合科、協同教學制度之認同度較低。
4. 台北市國民中學一年級健康與體育領域任課教師在這一年中,九年一貫課程的執行情形介於「部分符合」至「符合」之間,其中以運用家長及社區人士力量之執行狀況較差。
5. 教師之學歷、國中教學年資、研習時數、服務學校所在地區和學校規模與九年一貫課程認知有顯著關係。
6. 教師的畢業科系、教師證書登錄科目、研習時數、服務學校所在地區和教師間課程溝通與九年一貫課程態度有顯著關係。但僅服務學校所在地區與九年一貫課程執行情形有顯著之關係。
7. 教師對九年一貫課程的認知、態度與執行間均有顯著正相關。教師在執行九年一貫課程實際遭遇的困難上,有超過一半的教師認為「九年一貫相關配套和交辦工作負擔沈重」、「授課總節數過多」及「社會大眾將改革成敗繫於教師身上,感到壓力很大」。
The goal of this study was to probe into, the junior high school Health and Physical Education teachers’ understanding of and attitude toward the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, along with the implementation of the curriculum. It is a quantitative research, and the population is the junior high school teachers who teach seventh graders in the learning area of Health and Physical Education in Taipei city. With random sampling, the valid samples were 160 teachers from 42 junior high schools in Taipei city. The major findings are as follows: 1. About 8.1% of the subjects have never joined any research or study program of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. 2. All the junior high schools in Taipei city have “Curriculum Development Committee” and “Curriculum Research Team in the Learning Area of Health and Physical Education.” 3. The subjects have considerable understanding of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Their attitude toward the curriculum is between “No opinion” and “agree.” But they give not so much assent to the present subjects-integrating and team teaching. 4. The present implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum is between “agree” and “partially agree”. However, the implementation of making use of the parents’ and community people’s talents is less satisfactory. 5. Teachers’ academic backgrounds, seniority, hours of research or study programs, locations of their schools, and the scales of schools are closely related to the understanding of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. 6. The departments from which the teachers graduated, the subjects which the teachers registered, the locations of their schools, and the communication among teachers about the curriculum are closely related to the teachers’ attitude toward the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. However, only the locations of the schools are closely related to the implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. 7. Teachers’ understanding of, attitude toward, and the implementing of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum are positively related. As for the difficulties encountered in the implementation, more than half of the teachers agree on the following items: “the related and entitled tasks are very strenuous,” “a teacher needs to teach too many classes,” and “the society think teachers should bear the full responsibility for the success in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, which is very stressful.” And finally the study discusses the major findings and offers suggestions to the educational divisions, schools, teachers, and future researchers.
The goal of this study was to probe into, the junior high school Health and Physical Education teachers’ understanding of and attitude toward the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, along with the implementation of the curriculum. It is a quantitative research, and the population is the junior high school teachers who teach seventh graders in the learning area of Health and Physical Education in Taipei city. With random sampling, the valid samples were 160 teachers from 42 junior high schools in Taipei city. The major findings are as follows: 1. About 8.1% of the subjects have never joined any research or study program of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. 2. All the junior high schools in Taipei city have “Curriculum Development Committee” and “Curriculum Research Team in the Learning Area of Health and Physical Education.” 3. The subjects have considerable understanding of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Their attitude toward the curriculum is between “No opinion” and “agree.” But they give not so much assent to the present subjects-integrating and team teaching. 4. The present implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum is between “agree” and “partially agree”. However, the implementation of making use of the parents’ and community people’s talents is less satisfactory. 5. Teachers’ academic backgrounds, seniority, hours of research or study programs, locations of their schools, and the scales of schools are closely related to the understanding of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. 6. The departments from which the teachers graduated, the subjects which the teachers registered, the locations of their schools, and the communication among teachers about the curriculum are closely related to the teachers’ attitude toward the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. However, only the locations of the schools are closely related to the implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. 7. Teachers’ understanding of, attitude toward, and the implementing of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum are positively related. As for the difficulties encountered in the implementation, more than half of the teachers agree on the following items: “the related and entitled tasks are very strenuous,” “a teacher needs to teach too many classes,” and “the society think teachers should bear the full responsibility for the success in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, which is very stressful.” And finally the study discusses the major findings and offers suggestions to the educational divisions, schools, teachers, and future researchers.
九年一貫課程, 健康與體育領域, 國中教師, 認知, 態度, 執行情形, Grade 1-9 Curriculum, the learning area of Health and Physical Education, junior high school teachers, knowledge, attitude, implementation