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DeepMind's AlphaZero algorithm has achieved great success in the field of computer game, and has surpassed human performance in many challenging games, but we believe there still has some point for improvement in the AlphaZero algorithm. The AlphaZero algorithm only estimates whether the game wins or loses, and ignores how many points may be obtained in the end. In a land-based game like Go or Othello, the final score will tend to be quite a big game. So we propose Big Win Strategy: add the judgment of the score in the AlphaZero algorithm. To improve the efficiency of the algorithm. In this paper, we used 8x8 Othello as the game for the Big Win Strategy. We used and modified an open source project on the Internet that implemented the AlphaZero algorithm: alpha-zero-general for our experiments. After our experiments, the model using the Big Win Strategy has a winning rate of 78% after 100 iterations compared to the original AlphaZero model, which proves that the Big Win Strategy has significant improvement benefits for the AlphaZero algorithm.
DeepMind's AlphaZero algorithm has achieved great success in the field of computer game, and has surpassed human performance in many challenging games, but we believe there still has some point for improvement in the AlphaZero algorithm. The AlphaZero algorithm only estimates whether the game wins or loses, and ignores how many points may be obtained in the end. In a land-based game like Go or Othello, the final score will tend to be quite a big game. So we propose Big Win Strategy: add the judgment of the score in the AlphaZero algorithm. To improve the efficiency of the algorithm. In this paper, we used 8x8 Othello as the game for the Big Win Strategy. We used and modified an open source project on the Internet that implemented the AlphaZero algorithm: alpha-zero-general for our experiments. After our experiments, the model using the Big Win Strategy has a winning rate of 78% after 100 iterations compared to the original AlphaZero model, which proves that the Big Win Strategy has significant improvement benefits for the AlphaZero algorithm.
電腦對局, 黑白棋, 蒙地卡羅法, 神經網路, 深度學習, computer game, othello, Monte Carlo, neural network, deep learning, AlphaZero