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本研究旨在探析公共圖書館之成效與社會價值,並以嘉義縣新港閱讀館為例。本研究分析的層面包含圖書館使用者自新港閱讀館服務中所獲得之效益、圖書館使用者將新港閱讀館作為場所使用的類型,以及新港閱讀館中所積累之社會資本。 本研究採用問卷調查法,自2014年5月6日至7月15日間於新港閱讀館發放問卷,總共回首387份有效問卷。本研究根據問卷結果進行分析,提出五項結論:(ㄧ)新港閱讀館使用者以該社區居民為主,學生族群為眾,女性多於男性,使用時間以週末為高峰;(二)新港閱讀館使用者以「借還書」、「課業學習(自習)」、「查找資料」等傳統圖書館服務為主要使用目的;(三)新港閱讀館對使用者生活影響可歸類為「生活資訊」、「文化活動」、「工作相關」以及「閱讀與學習」四種類型。(四)新港閱讀館使用者將該館作為廣場、遇見多元群眾場所、公共領域、聯合舉辦活動,以及後設聚會場所等五種類型之聚會場所,其中以作為低緊密度聚會場所較為頻繁,有利於橋接型社會資本的積累;(五)新港閱讀館分別對於參與該館社團組織之使用者,及與家人一同前往該館之使用者間的結合型社會資本積累有幫助。本研究結果顯示,使用者之使用頻率、獲益之成效、將新港閱讀館作為各種聚會場所,以及網絡中社會資本的程度間有正向的統計顯著關係。 本研究結果指出新港閱讀館之服務與空間有其社會價值,除了圖書館傳統核心服務外,新港閱讀館作為聚會場所有利於穩定社會網絡,深化信任,達成最低限度之價值與規範,進而形成與累積社會資本。在個人層面上,新港閱讀館對使用者生活有幫助;在網絡關係上,新港閱讀館亦有利建立關係或強化既有關係,而兩者皆有利於深化社會資本,顯示實體公共圖書館仍有其不可抹滅的社會價值。 根據研究結果,提出建議如下:(一)強化公共圖書館與使用者間的網絡關係,藉由社會網絡的建立與互動,加深對彼此的信任,讓圖書館成為家與工作之外的第三場所。(二)為與家人同行的使用者設計活動,增加此類型使用者與其他人互動、建立連結的機會,有利橋接型社會資本的形成(三)依據不同類型的使用者提供相對應的空間及服務,讓使用者們各得其所而不致相互干擾。(四)優化使用者常用之服務項目,同時設計活動推廣目前使用者較少利用的圖書館服務,可使資源得到有效利用,也有利於增加圖書館在使用者心中的重要性。
This study aims at exploring the perceived outcomes and societal value of public library through case study of Singang library. This study analyses the aspects that users benefits from library services, to what extent Singang library users use library as meeting places, and the social capital accumulated through use of the library. Quantitative research is applied in this study. Questionnaires were distributed to library users from 6th May to 15th July 2014. The data are based on sample of 387 Singang library users, ranging in age from 7 to 64. The result shows that Singang library users benefit from library services in 22 areas in daily life. The benefits in 22 areas of daily life were collapsed through factor analysis into four major outcome types: daily life information, cultural activities, work related, and reading and learning. For analysis of how users use library as meeting places, this study shows that Singang library would be used as five types of meeting places: square, a place for meeting diverse people, public sphere, joint activities and metameeting place. Singang library as meeting places contributes to breed bridging social capital in users network, especially when the library is used as low intensive meeting place. There are also bonding social capital among users who participate in library clubs and users who visit with their family. This study analyses the relationship among library use frequency, perceived outcomes, library as meeting place, and social capital. The result shows that the four variables are positive correlated. Based on the results of this study, there are suggestions for Singang library and public libraries. First, making Singang library as an informal meeting place, which is a breeding ground of social capital, by strengthening network among users and library increases the trust among the network. Second, organizing activities aim at users visit with family in order to create possibilities for them to build connections with others, which contribute to create bridging social capital. Third, arranging library space and services according to the purposes and needs of the users. Forth, offering better services that are frequently used and promoting services that are less used so that will make public library a more important place for users.



圖書館成效評估, 社會資本, 圖書館作為聚會場所, perceived outcomes, social capital, library as place





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