

摘 要 本研究主要目的在瞭解宜蘭縣國中學生課後休閒運動參與動機與阻礙因素,並探討不同背景變項在休閒運動參與動機與阻礙因素之差異情形。 本研究採問卷調查法進行資料之收集,以宜蘭縣國中學生為研究對象,樣本的選取採分層隨機叢集抽樣法,從23 所國中抽取12 所學校,得有效問卷840 份。並將所得之有效問卷分別以描述統計、t 檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究發現如下: 一、休閒運動參與動機 (一)影響宜蘭縣國中學生休閒運動參與動機前五項依序為:增加體能、熟練運動技巧、學習運動技術、培養運動精神、認識新朋友。 (二)宜蘭縣國中學生休閒運動參與動機類型之強弱程度依序為:「舒暢身心」、「社會期望」、「自我成就」、「運動技能」、「健康身心」。 二、休閒阻礙因素 (一)影響宜蘭縣國中學生參與休閒運動的阻礙因素前五項依序為:天氣、時間、運動場地、器材裝備、朋友。 (二)宜蘭縣國中學生休閒阻礙因素類型之強弱程度依序為:「外在因素」、「內在因素」、「設施因素」。 三、不同背景變項與休閒運動參與動機之差異比較 宜蘭縣國中學生在不同性別、年級、學業總成績、是否參加學校運動社團、父母教育程度及父母職業等背景變項中,各類型的休閒運動參與動機有顯著差異。 四、不同背景變項與休閒阻礙因素之差異比較 宜蘭縣國中學生在不同性別、年級、學業總成績、是否參加學校運動社團、父親教育程度及父母職業等背景變項中,各類型的休閒運動阻礙有顯著差異。 關鍵詞:國中學生、休閒運動、休閒運動參與動機、休閒運動阻礙
Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the reality of participating activities, motives of participation and the constraints of Junior High School Students in Yi-Lan in sporting activities, comparing the difference under different background variables and the correlations between motive in participating and constraints in sporting activities.In this study, the data required are collected through questionnaire survey and the Junior High School Students in Yi-Lan Sporting Activities, Motive of Participation and Constrains Survey Questionnaire was employed as tool for the study. The subjects for this study are students from 23 Junior High School Students in Yi-Lan area and chosen 12 by cluster sampling. There are a total of 840 people chosen. The data was analyzed by t-test and One-Way ANOVA. The major conclusions drawn from the study are: Ⅰ.The motives for participation 1. The first five reasons are to help students 1) increase fitness, 2) improve athletic skills, 3) familiarize them with different sports, 4) learn sportsmanship, 5) and make new friends. 2. The extent of the effects to which the five reasons above benefit students, in decreasing order of importance, is 1) relax the body and mind, 2) increase social status, 3) a sense of personal achievement, 4) learn various sports skills, 5) and improve physical and m health. Ⅱ.In barriers from obtaining recreation 1. The first five reasons are 1) weather, 2) time, 3) places to play sports 4) equipment, 5) and participants. 2. The extent of the effects to which the three reasons above deter students, in decreasing order of importance 1) outside environment, 2) personal motivation, 3) and availability of sports equipment. Ⅲ. For the difference of participation motive between student’s different background Different levels of student participation in sports are affected by factors such as sex, grade level, personal motivation, participation in school sports teams, parents’ education level and occupation in Junior High School Students in Yi-Lan. Ⅳ. For the difference of obstruction between student’s different background Factors that deter student’s participation in sports include sex, grade level, personal motivation, participation in school sports teams, parents’ education level and occupation in Junior High School Students in Yi-Lan. Key-Words: Junior High School Students, Leisure Activities, Sporting Activities Participating Motive in Sporting Activities, Constraints to Sporting Activities



國中學生, 休閒運動, 休閒運動參與動機, 休閒運動阻礙, Junior High School Students, Leisure Activities, Sporting Activities Participating Motive in Sporting Activities, Constraints to Sporting Activities





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