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近年來臺灣觀光飯店如雨後春筍般興建。面對競爭激烈,觀光飯 店產業除了提供顧客完善的硬體設施外,更需提供良好的服務品質以 招徠和留住顧客,因此所有從業人員被期望能自願有超越其角色標準 的良好行為表現(即組織公民行為表現)。但是根據授權賦能理論,從 業人員可透過增進授權賦能管理和組織承諾而提升組織公民行為的 解釋力為何,有待了解。本研究目的即在尌前述三變項關係做一探 究,於 2014 年 9-11 月透過便利抽樣,問卷調查了臺北市某五星級國 際觀光飯店 280 名從業人員,回收有效問卷 216 份(有效回收率為 77.14%)。結果發現:(1)授權賦能和組織承諾正相關;(2)授權賦能和 組織公民行為正相關;(3)組織承諾和組織公民行為正相關;以及(4) 組織承諾在授權賦能與組織公民行之間具部分中介效果。本文因此建 議該(或性質相近)觀光飯店宜一併強化從業人員知覺之授權賦能和 組織承諾,以促進其組織公民行為。
Taiwan's tourist hotels have mushroomed in recent years. Faced with fierce competition, the tourist hotel industry not only needs to provide customers comfortable facilities and equipment, but also has to provide good quality of service to attract and retain customers. Thus, all hotel employees are expected to voluntarily play their roles beyond required standards (that is, performing organizational citizenship behaviors). However, according to empowerment theory, the explanatory power of enhancing employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors through the promotion of empowerment and organizational commitment is pending investigation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among employee’s perceived empowerment, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. In September-November 2014, 280 questionnaires were sent to convenient samples in a five-star international tourist hotel in Taipei and 216 (or 77.14%) valid ones were collected. The results show that: (1) Employee’s perceived empowerment and organizational commitment positively correlated; (2) Employee’s perceived empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior positively correlated; (3) Employee’s organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior positively correlated; and (4) Employee’s organization committed has a partial mediated effect between perceived empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior. Therefore, it is recommended that the case hotel or similar hotels can promote its employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors through jointly reinforcing employees’ empowerment and organizational commitment.



授權賦能, 組織承諾, 組織公民行為, empowerment, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior





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