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從許多研究中可發現音樂可促進智能表現,自從Rauscher, Shaw,& Ky (1993)他們的研究之後,「音樂能夠讓人變聰明!」變成眾所皆知的標語了。因此,我想知道音樂介入天文學課程中是否也能夠促進學生的學習表現。我的樣本為380位十一年級的高中生(288位男生,92位女生),他們大約16至17歲,全部都來自於同一所高中。
Many researches had found that music can promote intellectual performance. Since the research of Rauscher, Shaw,& Ky (1993), “Music makes you smarter!” became a well-known slogan. So what I would like to know is whether incorporating music into astronomy course can improve students’ performance as well. My samples are 380 high school students (288 male, 92 female), 11th grade, 16-17 years old, all from the same high school. By using (a) Attitude towards Astronomy Questionnaire (AAQ), (b) Astronomy Knowledge Test (AKT), (c) Music Preference Survey (MPS), (d) Students’ Background Survey (SBS) to findout if music play a positive role in students’ learning outcome. And if it can, what music is better. So by using MPS, I divided the students into 3 groups (classical, pop, no music), to see whether music groups have better performance, and whether pop music (students prefer) can give the best consequence. The result was that the pop music group did not show a significant difference compared to the control group, and the classical music group, music listening seems to give a counter effect.
Many researches had found that music can promote intellectual performance. Since the research of Rauscher, Shaw,& Ky (1993), “Music makes you smarter!” became a well-known slogan. So what I would like to know is whether incorporating music into astronomy course can improve students’ performance as well. My samples are 380 high school students (288 male, 92 female), 11th grade, 16-17 years old, all from the same high school. By using (a) Attitude towards Astronomy Questionnaire (AAQ), (b) Astronomy Knowledge Test (AKT), (c) Music Preference Survey (MPS), (d) Students’ Background Survey (SBS) to findout if music play a positive role in students’ learning outcome. And if it can, what music is better. So by using MPS, I divided the students into 3 groups (classical, pop, no music), to see whether music groups have better performance, and whether pop music (students prefer) can give the best consequence. The result was that the pop music group did not show a significant difference compared to the control group, and the classical music group, music listening seems to give a counter effect.
莫札特效應, 音樂與認知, 音樂喜好, Mozart effect, music and cognition, music preference